Dissapointing call.

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Sarah's POV

Do I need to buy more bread? I'll go check. I walk towards the kitchen when my phone rings. I can check if I need bread later. I answer the phone.

"Hello Sarah speaking?" I say cautiously.

"Hello is this David Nelson's mother?" A voice calls from the other end of the line.

"Yes this his why?" I say.

What's David gotten into now?

"Well he's been arrested for aggravated assault, on a lady at a bar on Sunday"

"Ok I'll come down to the station" I sigh.

"That won't be needed Mrs Nelson hes been taken into custody" the voice says.

"What do you mean by custody"I ask.

I though I taught him better than to assault a lady even though I said not to assault anyone!

"Is there visiting hours" I ask my hand on my head.

"Yes there is visiting hours this Sunday if you want to come"

"Yes I will and am I able to bring someone else?"

"Yes you may." They say. "Sorry to spring this on you have a nice day"

"You too" I say hanging up the phone.

I know Nick won't want to come but I have to ask him anyway.

Nicks POV

"Ok everyone let's get started with that task and then we might play a kahoot" I call across the class.

They all cheer and sing for joy but one boy in my class Tristan just sits silently. He does his work incredibly but now really if the time when boys in year six start to find stuff out, I had a kid last year tell me he liked everyone and he was in year five.

I'm about to walk over to him when a student calls.

"Sir your phones buzzing!"

"Thank you" I say gratefully. "That's your peg up one half of the blue chart."

"Yes" he says cheerfully.

I grab my phone and sneak a look.

Mum❤️ calling.

My coworker comes over.

"Want me to take over for a bit?"

"Yes please thanks your the best." I say gratefully.

I step outside and answer the phone.

"Hi mum" I say into the phone.

"Hi Nicky did you hear the news?" She asks.

"What news?" I ask nervously.

"Your brother went to jail"

To be honest I'm not surprised. "For what?"

"Aggravated assault" she sighs.

"When are we visiting?"

"This Sunday" she says. "I'll come pick you up and we can go together and we can go see him"

"Sounds good I've got to get back to work but I love you bye"

"Bye love you" she says hanging up the phone.

I walk towards the classroom and the substitute is still with the class.

"Mr Nelson" the kids chime happily.

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