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Charlie's POV

Nick is having a panic attack, Chase I'd having a mental breakdown and it's all happening at the same time.

"Hey it's okay Nick your okay" I assure Nick.

I then rush over to Chase and ask. "What's wrong?"

"It's all piling onto me and I can't do anything about it and Isaac hasn't talked to me for like 3 days and I don't know if he's mad at me" Chase sobs.

"What's piling onto you?" I ask.

"The pressure of trying to have amazing grades because you had good ones" Chase sobs.

"It doesn't matter who had better grades try to be improve yourself and what you can do and base it off you not othesr" I say. "And just start a conversation with Isaac he loves you Chase so he will reply in dear time"

I then run back to Nick who has sorta calmed down but still hasn't. "Nick it's okay I'm here, it's okay I'm here just breathe okay hunny?" I ask. "Can you do that for me?"

Nicks breathing steadies and he starts to come back to a rational state of mind.

"Hey, sorry about that I'm such a pathetic boyfriend I'm sorry" Nick says, his eyes filling with tears.

"Hey don't cry, your perfect but everyone has their days we're there mad or sad and today is one of them and thats okay, don't worry your amazing just the way you are" I assure Nick.

I then run back to Chase who still hasn't calmed down. "What's wrong?"

"People laughed at me"

"Where?" I ask.

"At the cinemas, Isaac and I were watching a live and then I flinched at a few jump scares and people were looking at me then laughing"

"It's okay Chase, people are just jealous you have feeling and they are emotionless assholes, your absolutely okay to flinch or jump at a jump scare" I say.

"Are you sure?" Chase sobs.

"Yes Chase, I'm absolutely positive" I say. "Pinky promise"

"Thanks Charlie" he says wrapping his arms around me gratefully.

"No problem, I'll make dinner soon so you can go upstairs and talk to Isaac"

"K ill see you soon"

"You too" I say.

I then turn around to Nick who is not calm and alert.

"What happened?" Nick asks.

"I don't know, you were sleeping and then you jolted awake and we're really rattled from something and then Chase was worried and crying so I had to help him and you at the same time which was absolute chaos" I ramble.

"I'll make dinner though" Nick says.

"No I'll do it, you just had a panic attack of some sort and I can do it, if I can't I'll tell you okay?" I say.

"Okay" Nick says.

Chases POV

I don't know why I had that massive mental breakdown but it was probably because everything stressing me out at the moment and I can't do much about it except cry.

I pick up my phone and dial Isaac's phone number.

"Hello?" A sick voice calls from the other side.

"Hey Isaac, are you okay?" I ask sounding concerned.

"Yeah just sick why are you okay?"

"Never mind that, are you okay and are you coming back to school" I ask hastily.

"I'm not coming back to school for like a week sorry" Isaac coughs.

"It's okay I'll visit if it's alright with you" I say.

"No I'm not getting you sick I'm not letting it happen so don't come we can FaceTime but other than that I can't take the chance of getting you sick" Isaac says sickly through the speaker.

"Ok fine" I say defeatedly.

"Dinners ready" Charlie calls from downstairs.

"Coming" I call. "I've got to go but I'll talk to you later" I say.

"Okay byee" Isaac coughs.

I hang up the phone, why was I worrying if he could've been just sick. Why do I always stress about something I don't need to. Heck, I'm even doing it now, I hate being like this but I can't just stop it so I guess I just have to deal with it.

I come downstairs and Nick and Charlie are at the table waiting for me. The silence is more quiet than when Ben hope says anything, so I know something bad has happened.

"What's happened?" I ask intently.

"Nothing I think we're all just tired" Charlie says.

"Oh ok" I say disappointedly.

The plate in front of me occupies pasta but it makes me feel like I'm gonna vomit if I eat this, not because it's bad or whatever but just because my brain is trying to annoy me into thinking it's like that but I can't do anything about it so I have to deal with it.

Nicks POV

The rooms silence and tension is escalating fast and I don't know how to fix it. Normally I do but today is just not my day and it's really ticking me off.

Charlie excuses himself to the bathroom and we are left together, Chase hasn't touched his plate and neither have I. The pasta is getting cold and I'm getting a lot more tired by the second. Charlie comes back and we continue to sit in silence as if someone died or something.

I get up from the table and start to put the pasta into containers for tomorrow and stuff. I put them in the fridge and then sit back down, the pasta is untouched for all three of our plates and by this point I don't think anyone else wants to even eat anything.

"I can glad wrap this if we need to" I ask. 

"Yeah that'd be nice" Charlie says.

"Yeah" Chase says.

I grab their plate and goad wrap the unscathed food and out it into the fridge where it will stay until it's needed.

I sit back down and the tension is still their and I don't think it's going away at all. I don't think is ever going to go away.

Authors Note:
Hi everyone I hope you guys have had an amazing week! I've been really struggling with stuff so I might not post as much but I'll try, I'm really sorry to disappoint but I hope you guys liked this chapter and have had a good week. Bye everyone hope you guys have an amazing week and remember to drink water and eat some food for yourself. Bye everyone have a good week!

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