Therapy session

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Charlie's pov;

After the art gallery

Today was amazing but the thing I've been dreading is coming. We're driving towards the therapy office and I can't seem to accept that I might have social anxiety. I've always struggled with crowds and public speaking but I thought it was all apart of just being introverted.

Silent tears flow down my eyes as I look at my quivering hands, I'm so pathetic Nick is looking at me thinking I'm fragile and a insufferable person who has one problem after the other, he probably thinks I'm a-

"Hey, it's alright to be nervous but we'll do it together, do you want me to join you in your session today?" Nick thoughtfully assures.

"No I'll be ok" I sniffle.

He glides his thumb across my cheek wiping away the salty tear that just before sat on my cheeks as I silently cried scared of what would happen in my therapy session.

Time skip

We arrived in the parking lot, Nick parks the car and instantly after grabs my hand and squeezes it lovingly, I nod showing him that I'm ready.

"You can stay in the car, I'll be okay" I smile.

"Sure?" He questions.

"Positive!" I lie.

I would love for him to be in there with me but I'm so scared he will see me for who I am, a weirdo who has so many problems you need more than five papers to write them down.

"Message me if your okay and if something goes wrong okay" He asks.

"Ok mom I'll message when I get out of the movie cinemas" I laugh.

"Please do, we're having a nice baked dinner tonight" He mocks.

I laugh, it's the first time for a little while we're I've truly laughed at something and haven't just pretended that it was funny. I smile at Nick and start to climb out of the car and start to walk towards the office.

"Name" the receptionist asks.

"Charlie, Charlie spring" I say.

"Do you have an appointment or do you want to schedule one?" She asks.

"I have one with Dr Geoffrey" I say in a sullen tone.

"Okay right through that door he should be ready" The receptionist smile.

"Thank you have a good day" I fake smile.

"You too!" She says happier than before.

I walk towards the door and knock.

"Come in" A voice says.

I open the door to see the same room I sat in many years ago, everything is the same, the only thing that is different is the man sitting in the chair.

"Hi it's nice to see you again, though I wish it were on better circumstances" He says .

"Me too" I reply.

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