Sibling + Partner picnic

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Tori's POV

I've been wanting to meet up with Chase and Charlie for weeks now but I've been too busy and this weekend is the best time to do it. I haven't met chases boyfriend so that'll be fun. Though I hate social settings I'll take that hate aside for my family.

My now fiancé Micheal is getting ready in the bathroom which I know he'll take years to get ready. I slip on a nice pair of jeans and a white shirt. Somehow get my hair into somewhat of a neat pile instead of looking like a birds nest.

"Micheal HURRY UP!" I tell from the front door.

"Comingggg!" He calls running towards me.

I met Micheal Holden in high school at Higgs high school, we started dating a year after that when he kissed me at a bus stop. Now I'm not the type of person to be happy all the time but with him I am. It's like all that opposites attract nonsense.

We climb into the car and start to head to the park I told Charlie to meet me at.

Isaac's POV

Holy absolute fuck. I've been told Tori and super cold and shit. What if she doesn't like me.

My mind races on. Chase holds my hand halting the race.

Chase pulls out his phone and starts to type something.
My phone buzzes. Chase realised pretty early in our relationship I hate having to talk about deep stuff and I find it easier to text or write so whenever he thinks I am worried he gives me a little message.

Hey everything okay?

Yeah a little, just scared to meet Tori a little is all

It's okay she won't be rude she actually is nice I know she'll like you I wouldn't of wanted you to meet her if you weren't

Thx Chase❤️

Chase: dw about it message me if your EVER worried at all today

Isaac: will do

"Chisaac what's going on you guys are normally like talking" Nick says looking back.

I snap away from my phone.

"That's not our ship name!" Chase says.

"Then what is it?" Nick says sassily.

"Chisaac?" Chase says. "We haven't made one"

"Then it's Chisaac till then" Nick says grinning.

"I actually don't mind it" I say.

Chase swing his head towards me glaring at me.

"Is it because it has most of your name?"

"Nooo it's because there isn't any other good ones other than Chisaac."

"Fine we're Chisaac" Chase says defeatedly.

"Yes winwin!" Nick says.

"Narlie and Chisaac?" Charlie asks.

"Well yeah I made both of them" Nick says proudly.

"Ok guys we're here the ship name conversation is over"

"Finally" Chase sighs.

We all climb out of the car. Charlie leaves for a work phone call, though he still is in sight.

Chase gets a call from Victoria. Shit. What do I do? What if she doesn't-

Nick bumps me snapping me out of my day dream. He points over to a group of kids staring at us.

"Are they your friends?" He asks.

"Yeah." I say disappointedly.

"Oi Evans what are you doing with the school faggot?" One of them calls out. I can guess it's the "leader" of the group.

I don't even know any of them but somehow they know me.

"Piss of mate!" I yell. "Why the fuck do you care who I'm with wanna be with me?"

"No.. no." I hear him say slightly.

All the kids found on him and start asking him if he's gay which is pretty shitty but he did call chase a slur.

"Tori!" Chase calls.

A average height lady turns to our direction, her jet black hair waving in the wind. Her tall fiancé? I think at least that's what Chase told me. Well he's tall, blond and has curly hair which to me is pretty common but it suits him.

They start to head over.

"Don't worry she'll like you, I was way more of a dick when I met her than now she'll love you or warm up don't sweat it" Nick says patting me on the back.

"Nick, Chase" Victoria says in a low monotone. "And you must be Isaac? Am I right?"

"Yeah I am" I say trying to be confident.

"You picked a good one Chase, I just saw some kids downgrading you and he absolutely folded every single one"

"Nice to meet you, Isaac" she says holding out a hand.

"You too" I smile.

Charlie comes back from his call.

"Tori!" He says hugging her.

Then Nick chase and Charlie all go and hug Micheal it's pretty weird considering they could've done that before but oh well.

He then walks up to me holding a hand out. I shake it even though I'm probably shaking to hard.

"Oi Evans come here!" Benjamin calls.

"I'll be back, start without me" I say. "I'll be right back" I say to Chase specifically.

I walk over to the group of boys. Hope this goes well.

"What are you doing with the fag Evans?" One says.

"Being friends with him dumbass" I say annoyed already. "Why do you care?"

"Because we wanna protect you he's going to want to fuck you soon watch out" one says.

"Don't have a sleepover with him or you'll wake up to him sucking you off" one calls

"Don't be friend with him he just wants your dick" one calls



I continue to scream at them until they grumble and walk off.

That went amazing!

I walk back to where we met and see everyone starring at me.

"Sorry" I say when I get to the picnic blanket. "Lost my temper"

"That was fucking amazing" Victoria says happily. "Well done I haven't even done that"

"Thanks Victori-."

"It's Tori" she says correcting me.

Throughout the picnic everyone's chatting away happily except Chase. I know the last few days have been hard but he was okay before.

"Hey Chase I heard there's a good little pond nearby wanna go check it out?" I ask hinting to him.

He takes the hint and agrees.

We walk towards a pond that isn't very flashy at all ljke its a swamp type pond.

"Hey you okay?" I ask Chase.

"Yeah it's just-."

Authors Note:
Hi everyone! I hope you guys have been doing absolutely amazing! I have a few really good ideas for this story but I want to see what you guys are thinking about me making Chase and Isaac have some relationship bumps in the near future. I would love to keep them happy but I could spice things up. I hope you guys have an amazing week! Bye!

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