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TW: Mentions of Sh and suicide
Charlies POV

I don't like how last night ended, me dead asleep when I wanted to talk to Nick about my Mental Health and me basically kicking Nick to the loungeroom. I wish I could just be normal.

"What if Ben was right?" I whisper.

"About?" Nick says in the hallway.

"Nothing." I say trying to give off a fake smile.

"Whats up?" Nick says walking over and sitting next to me.

"Just, remember when I went to get groceries and Ben was there?" I ask.

"Yeah why?"

"Well when he was there he told me you would run off with some girl who you thought was hot right when you had the chance." I say my eyes glued to the floor.

"Charlie." Nick says turning to me and holds my hands softly. "There is no one in this world that would make me not love you, I love you so much and I promise there is nothing that is going to stop me from loving you and no woman who is attractive to some other guy but not me I love Charlie Spring and not some other girl."

"But-." I say before being cut off by Nick.

"No, I'm not having you as a place holder I want to marry you if the stars align and if they don't I will make sure that they do because I love you with all my heart and if you don't want to marry me then I respect that but I will always love you."

"I'm sorry." I say quietly.

"Being sorry is when you did something wrong." Nick says. "You did nothing wrong."

He flashes a quick smile at me which still gives me butterflies.

"Thanks Nick." I say quietly, placing my head on his shoulder.

Nick holds me close for a while, since Bens attempt at actually stealing me we havent been super super affectionate and I mean we do have Chase in the house so we cant be too affectionate but I do miss it but this new era isn't to bad if I have Nick.

"Char?" Nick says.

"Yeah?" I say quietly.

"I'm loving this hug but I really need to pee." Nick says, holding in his laugh.

I start laughing and let Nick leave to go to the bathroom.

Nicks POV

Oh my god how embarrassing was that! I leave the bathroom and Char isnt in the bedroom anymore and I am pretty sure he is in the kitchen or loungeroom.

"Nick come here quick!" Charlie says loudly.

I fly down the stairs to see two mid fifty's couple standing in the doorway?

"Hi how can I help you?" I ask.

"I'll be back I have to help Chase with something." Charlie says leaving.

"Hi were Jacobs parents." The Lady says.

"Oh." I say. "I'm so sorry for your loss."

"Thank you dear." She says.

"When we got the report back from the police it said a teacher from his school was there, tried to help?" The man says. "We were wondering if that was you, Jacob never stopped talking about his favourite teacher, Mr Nelson.

"Yes that was me." I sigh. "I was on a walk with my partner when I tried to save him."

"Thank you for trying." She says. "But we didnt come here for that, we came here to give you this."

She shakily hands me a note with my name written very neatly on it. Mr Nelson.

"Whats this?" I ask

"Its one of the letters Jacob wrote to the most important people of his life and we havent read it because it was your name but we hope you read it." The man says his eyes filling with tears.

"Thank you so much I really appreciate it." I say.

"Thank you for trying to save our boy even though he is gone, were happy hes in a better place." She chokes.

I close the door and look through the peephole as they walk away. They get into their car and drive off and the only thing I can do is cry, I continue to cry until Charlie comes down the stairs.

"Oh Nick what's wrong?" Charlie says hurrying over to me.

"It's the letter from Jacob, he left me a letter before he died." I sob.

"Oh Nick." Charlie says holding me as hard as he can.

"We can read this later ok?" He says looking at me.

I just nod silently. We go to the lounge room and I fall asleep on the couch but when I wake up I know it's time for me to read the letter he left me.

Jacob's Letter

Hey Mr Nelson, I know this is abrupt and it's either been a while since I've passed or I failed, chickened out or was rescued. I've known you for a few months now and I know you are an amazing person and to be honest you have the kindest heart and if my suicide being you down don't let it get to you because that's not what my suicide was intended for. I'm in such a bad place right now that I know this is the right thing. Although it isn't. I can't fathom living longer and I won't ever live longer than this age.

Thank you for all the time you put into me and helping me you have the heart of an angel anf you saved me so many times but I'm sorry this time you tried to save me but I'm adamant on committing tonight. Please keep teaching and please keep being happy Mr Nelson. I know this will get to you but I know you're strong enough to power through.

Love, Jacob

Nicks POV

Tears stream down my face as I finish the letter. I cant believe I never noticed it before. He said not to let it get to me and I won't let it get to me because I know that's not what he would've wanted and he told me to be happy Mr Nelson. I have to do this for Jacob, for Charlie for everyone.

I close the note and place it gingerly to the side and let myself cry.

Authors Note;
Hey everyone1 I'm so so so sorry for not uploading for like a month but I think I am back now and am ready to give you all the most amazing story's and lines and everything but I want to thank @AnthonyMcgrath3 for the idea of Nick getting Jacob's letter. I really am thankful and we are so close to 20K and I am so thankful for you all. I love you all so much and I will see you ALL in the next chapter. BYE❤️❤️❤️

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