I dont feel like im my own Person

361 8 2

Isaac's POV

Chase asked me to come over because he needed someone there. I hope nothing bad has happened. If it has my main priority is Chase.

"We're here," my mother says snapping me out of my daydream.

"Thanks, mum, if it's alright I might have to sleepover depending on how Chase is"

"That's fine, I'm so proud of you for being so kind and supportive"

"Thanks, Mum," I say waving her goodbye as she drives away.

I walk to the door. I knock gently on the door. Charlie answers the door.

"Hey, Isaac?" Charlie says.

"Hi sorry Chase messaged me asking if I could come over"

"It's okay don't worry about it," Charlie says gritting his teeth. "I'll go get Chase, come in"

I walk inside. This house is normally always happy but tonight has transformed this house into a barren graveyard.

Nick appears from the living room.

"Hey," he says.

"Hi," I say. "Do you know what happened tonight, so I can help Chase"

"It's a long story, I think Chase should tell you in his words"

What does that mean?

"Is Chase okay?" I ask.

"He hasn't told either of us so that's what I'm going to be asking you," Nick says.

"And if he doesn't want to tell you I won't be either," I say.

If Chase doesn't want to tell them then I won't be either. I've promised him that so many times and I'm not breaking it for anyone no matter how important they are.

Chase appears on site coming down the stairs.

"Isaac" Chase says relieved.

He ushers towards me and engulfs me in a hug.

I see Charlie coming down the stairs, he seems frustrated but also like he's experiencing deja vu but in the wrong way.

I'm taller than Chase so it's usual for him to be snuggled into my chest.

"Do you wanna go up to your room?" I whisper.

"Yeah, that'd be nice" Chase whispers back.

We walk up the stairs and towards his room. As we enter Chase just breaks down. Normally it takes a little bit for him to finally let it out but he must have already had that time. He was alone for a while I'm guessing then. Shit. Shit. SHIT. SHIT!

"Chase?" I ask.

"Mhm," he sobs.

"Did it happen again?"

"What?" He asks. "You sound like a parent asking if a kid shit themselves again" he smirks.

"No, I was talking about S...H"

His smile fades. "No, I have been close today but I haven't"

"That's good Chase," I say enthusiastically.

That means progress! Before he would cut again but today he didn't and I'm so proud of him.

"You didn't cut and that's so amazing because like three months ago you would've cut!" I say. "I'm so proud, and I know today has been shit so let's focus on the little positives"

"Yeah, the little positives"

I take Chase's hand and ask. "Want something to eat?"

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