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TW: mentions of suicide, ED, nudity (no smut.) and swearing
Elles POV

Oh my god I need to prepare for the party! I invited everyone over for a nice dinner or party depending on how we feel, and I've just woken up and I have four hours to prepare!

That's not enough time!


"Coming." He says.

Tao comes down the stairs and his face when he sees the mess I have made his face is priceless.

"Here let me help." He laughs as he starts to blow up the balloons with me.

When we finish the balloons we move onto baking, throwing flour on each other and eating cookie batter. When we finally finish baking and losing up the rest of the balloons we finally sit on the couch and start to watch a movie Tao obviously picked.

Charlie's POV

I'm so excited for the reunion party! I can't wait to see everyone after so long! I've been so caught up with things and now I can see everyone again and catch up. Hopefully there's no like big foods but other than that I'm so excited!

I know it might be hard but I want to see everyone again and that's what matter. I think I can put it aside right? Hopefully.

I finish putting on my shirt when Chase walks into the room.

"I don't know what to wear!" He screams.

"Show me your options." I sigh.

Considering it's only a movie date with Isaac I'm going to go for the clothing item that looks semi comfy.

"This or this?" Chase says.

Chase shows me a nice white shirt that's baggy and another shirt that is a little short that's blue.

"Blue one." I say. "You might spill something on the white one and then you will have a stain the rest of the night."

"Thanks Charlie your the best!" Chase says as he scurry's out of the car on and towards his own.

"Hey Charlie?" Nick calls from the bathroom.

"Yes hunny?" I call out.

"Can you come help me?" He asks.

"Cominggg." I say walking towards our bathroom door.

When I walk in Nick is naked but he's holding two shirts and his face seems so confused I know what's going on.

"The right one looks nice on you the left one suffocates you." I smile.

"Thanks Charlie." He says.

I talk one last glance before I leave the bathroom and go to my drawers to see what I can wear. I pick out my outfit and tell Nick it's time to go.

"Nick let's go, Chase please message when your elating and when you get home." I call.

"Coming." Nick calls.

"Ok I will." Chase says.

We exit the house when Nick finally gets to the door and when we get into the car I feel Nicks energy's off but I don't want to question it because I don't want to ruin his night.

This night is supposed to be nice.

Nicks POV

I know that tonight is a "catch up" night effectively but how am I going to tell everyone about what happened? Is it like coming out where I don't have to tell everyone or anyone I don't want to.  I'm so scared to tell people and I don't know how their going to take it.

Hopefully they take it well. I mean their my friends and best friends even but I am just scared that they'll not want to be my friend? Oh my god I sound stupid.

"Nick what's wrong?" Charlie says grasping my free hand.

"Im just wondering how everyone's going to take what happened." I say. "It's been three days since and I'm still shaken up but I guess it's just scary telling them something that I haven't told many people, not even Chase knows."

"Yeah I guess but it's the fact that your friends will support you and help you no matter what and if they don't they aren't your friends."

"Thanks Char I'm sor-." I start.

"No S word." He says.

I let out a little laugh because although it may come off as cringe we have continued our little inside joke since we started being friends me and Charlie and every time we continue that joke I find it funny because of all the memories of it.

Tara's POV!

"Dars we have to go!" I yell from downstairs. "We're ten minutes late."

"We're always supposed to be late." She calls as she flys down the stairs at full speed. "Why would we be early?"

"Because we get to spend more time with our friends."  I reason.

"Touché." She says.

We clamber into the car and start to drive towards Elles House.

"Is aled coming?" Darcy asks.

"I'm pretty sure why?" I ask.

"Just because of the breakup between him and Harry although we know it was mutual I'm a little worried about him he hasn't participated in any of the messages in our group chats just dry yes's and no's."

"I think he'll come considering that I begged him to come and he answered he'll see so I'm sure he'll come and if he doesn't we'll see him another time." I say.

"This cars to quiet." Darcy says.

"Oh no." I sigh.

I see Darcy trying to connect her phone with the car player but it isn't working and I can see her trying harder and harder but it just won't work.

Aleds POV

I really want to go to the reunion thing tonight but I'm scared everyone going to be asking about the breakup and I don't want to voice it that I don't want questions.

I'm worrying so much over something so little like I have the right to say or not say and if they say I will be properly pissed but that's okay I don't think I'd scream at them. I finish putting on my shoes and walk out the door.

Everyone's nervous for this night it's just who's going to be hurt by the end.

Converse x Vans Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang