Date night on pause.

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TW:Mentions of Sh
Nicks POV

I'm so excited to have a date night with Charlie tonight. I've set it all up and Isaac and Chase are going to Tori's and I'm going to make sure this is the best night of our lives no matter what.

I would have asked Isaac's parents if they were fine for them to sleep over but considering everything I don't think it's the best thing to be suggesting. Isaac's been staying with us for a couple and days now and he's been off but also so has Charlie. I'm super worried about him because he hasn't opened up to me about anything since after that night with Ben. Hopefully, he's okay but I need to make sure.

"Hey hunny you okay?" I ask as I walk into our bedroom.

Charlie is laying on our bed and his face encompasses a sense of guilt. "Not really but it's nothing to worry about."

"Charlie it's always something to talk about whether it be small or big," I say assuringly.

I sit down on our bed. I look at Charlie's black curls and into his blue eyes. I know he's struggling right now but I don't want to push him too much.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I ask.

Charlie sighs. "No, Im not okay."

"Well, what's wrong?" I ask.

"Well, my eating disorders starting to flare up, if that's even the word for it, and for some reason, my wrist keeps thumping but not in a pain way more to get my attention so I can." He stutters.

"Hey," I say grasping Charlie's hand carefully. "No matter what I'm going to want to help you and if that means anything I'll do it, and it's okay to be feeling this you have before and we got passed it so I promise we can get through this."

Charlie looks like a weight just lifted off his shoulders.

My free hand climbs onto Charlie's face. This hand pulls Charlie into a kiss, we haven't kissed like this for almost three months.

A knock comes from our door separating our lips.

"Come in," Charlie says.

Chase walks into our room, he looks worried but also extremely confused.

"Uhhh I think we have a situation," Chase says.

Charlie looks at me extremely confused but also telling me, "Oh my fucking god buckle up."

"What's up?" I ask.

"Someone's at the door," Chase says.

"Who?" Charlie asks.

"I don't know but he says you both need to come down now."

We both jump out of bed and run downstairs, when we get there a man is standing at the door.

"Yes?" Charlie asks.

"Hi, I have come to talk to you about the situation of Isaac being taken away from his home." The man says.

"Isaac, can you come down here please?" I call.

Isaac comes down the stairs curiously and when he sees the man he knows what he wants.

"I'm not going back to my house I left because I wanted to not because anyone else told me to go away and leave there's no need for you to be here," Isaac says angrily. "I'll go back when they're ready to accept me for who I am."

"Thank you." The man says.

He turns on the spot and leaves. I know this is hard for Isaac as his eyes are layered with water and the corner of his eye is filling up with tears.

I Before Isaac starts to cry I see Charlie step forward and hug Isaac before I can even think of doing it. All I know right now is that Charlie is the most selfless person on this planet and theirs nothing that can change my mind.

"Why dont you go get some sleep and then we'll drop you guys off at Tori's." Charlie says.

Isaac and Chase head upstairs and when Chase looks back at Charlie they send a non-vocal message which I can't even decript and im good at these. Chase gets the message and starts to head upstairs, Charlie breathes a sigh of dissapointment.

"Were not going to be able to keep Isaac here for long." He says. "hes going to have to go back to his family, whether he likes it or not.

"Thats okay we'll have a chat with Isaac tomorrow." I say.

I agree with Char, theres no way were going to be able to keep isaac here without it being illegal. I know Charlie loves Chase and Isaac but this is going to take a big hit on his mental health and thats going to come crashing down at any moment.

Charlies POV

I feel so hopeless, I cant do anything for Isaac because I know that no matter what hes going to have to go back to his family eventually. I dont know how I'm going to help Isaac and to be honest I'm scared theres no way I'll be able to help him without being outside of the law.

"Hey Nick?" I say as he starts walking up the stairs.

"Mhm?" He says turning around to look at me.

I walk over to Nick, everything lets go at once and tears pour out of my face, I feel like a teenager again, like nothings in my control and no matter what I do theres no way I'm going to be helping someone and I've reinherited this curse and its never going to go away again.

"Oh Char." Nick says pulling me into a hug.

We hug and thats all that surrounds me, sadly I cant figure out why I feel like thiseven though I just explained it, but now I feel like complete dissapointment and theres nothing I cando to stop this at all.

When we pull away, Nicks shirt is tear stained and I can feel my face is complety drenched. "I'm gonna have a nap why dont you have a shower considering your face is drenched." Nick smiles.

"Yeah, sounds good." I say.

It does sound like a good idead considering I did just cry a river and a few small ponds. We walk upstairs and when we enter our room I head straight for our bathroom. When I enter only one thing catches my eye.

Authors Note:

Hey everyone! I hope you guy have had an amazing few days since I last posted! I have been struggling to get out chapters so if there is a 1-2 day delay please dont worry I am trying to get these chapter out as quick as possible. I hope you guys have an amazing few days till I next post. Bye everyone.

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