Were both drowning.

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Nicks POV

Chars been acting weird lately, he hasn't been eating and has started wearing baggy clothes.

"Hey char?" I ask.

"Yeah hun"

"Are... you okay?" I ask hesitantly.

"Yeah why?"

"I don't know just asking, you seem a little off" I stutter.

"Do I?" Charlie asks worriedly.

"No just, I don't know sorry for asking" I retreat.

I know he can tell I'm lying and I know something up but I know he doesn't want to say so he won't.

Chase walking into the kitchen and senses the tension very quickly.

"Is everything okay?" Chase asks.

"Yeah" Charlie says.

"Mhm" I continue.

"Oook I'm going to go back to my room if you need me" Chase says awkwardly before disappearing upstairs.

"What do you think is wrong with me?" Charlie asks.

"I" I choke.

"What do you think is wrong with me?" Charlie continues anger spiking in his voice.

"I" I choke again.

"What do you think is wrong with me!" Charlie growls.

"I... I just feel like you've been off lately and you haven't wanted to eat you've been super stressed and now your wearing baggy clothes and I'm scared for you because I can't lose you Char" I blurt.

My heart is pumping out of my chest and I can't even dare to look Charlie in the eye, I can't bear to hear his reaction.

"I haven't wanted to eat because my ED is getting a little worse but it happens, I'm stressed because of work, everyone's really pushy about this stuff and I'm wearing baggy clothes because Chase has been off so when he's off I wear baggy clothes and it seems to make him a little more at ease" Charlie explains.

"Why didn't you tell me anything about this?" I ask.

"Pardon?" Charlie asks

"Why didn't you tell me anything about this?" I ask.

Charlie is dead silent, he's just looking at me blankly, sadly. I know Charlie has struggled and I'm probably overreacting.

"I'm sorry for not telling you." He says. "I know I should've but it's hard for me too"

I stand up wearily. "I know hunny"

I grab Charlie into a hug, not one of those romantic ones but a slow heartfelt one. Charlie let's out a tiny sob into my chest, this then starts to expand from tiny sobs to bigger sobs. At this point he's crying his heart out and all I can do is rub his back and tell him it's okay.

I feel useless and stupid. I can't do anything for Charlie! Before I know I am letting out sobs as well. I don't know what it is but we both know holding each other is something that is helping.

"Nick?" Charlie murmurs.

"Yes hunny?" I whisper.

"Can we take a nap" Charlie asks.

I let out a small laugh.

"What's funny?"

"We must spend half of our day napping huh?" I smile.

"Probably but I don't really care you chest is comfy" outCharlie reasons.

"Ok come on nap time for you" I say swinging Charlie into my arms bridal style.

Both of our faces are damp from tears, Charlie's eyes glimmer while I feel mine are dim and.. unimportant.

I lay Charlie down onto the couch and join him. He cuddles into my chest.

"This isn't comfy" he blurts out.

"Yeah I know let's go to our bedroom" I say.

Again I pick up Charlie and carry him into our room. Even after a whole year of being moved in with him it still feels weird for it be our... room.

Once again I lay Charlie down onto our bed and join him.

Charlie nuzzles into my chest and dozes off and soon I do to.

I've really been thinking of engaging to Charlie for a very long time and wanted to ask him parents but I think I'll just ask Mr. Spring. Jane isn't going to want it accept this but I know Julio will. Hopefully.

Soon I doze off next to Charlie.

Chases POV

I don't know what was wrong with them down there but there was ALOT of awkwardness, I do worry about Charlie though, he's been wearing baggy clothes and worrying about me more than him. Though it's common of Charlie to think of others before himself to the point we're it's detrimental to his mental health, it's been VERY escalated the past few weeks. My phone buzzes, for the last few days Isaac's been worrying about me non stop and if it's him again I'm going to lose it.

I look at my phone, Isaac❤️. "Fuck sakes." I whisper.

I answer the phone.

"Hey Chase!" Isaac chimes.

"Hey Isaac" I say bluntly.

"Do you wanna come over?" Isaac asks, his mood saddening.

"Uhhhhhhh" I say, it's probably best for me to get out of the house so I say yes. "Yeah sure"

Charlie trudges past my room.

"I'll call you when I'm ready, ok?" I say.

"Okay cool see you soon" Isaac says. "Love you"

"Love you" I say back.

I put my phone down and put my baggy jeans on and a nice white top. I make sure my hair looks nice and then I head downstairs quietly towards Charlie. I'm really worried about him.

"Hey Charlie" I say emotionlessly.

Charlie turns around shocked and looks at me.

"Going out with Isaac?" He asks.

"Yeah just going to his house" I say.

"Cool have fun" he says.

"Thanks" I say.

"Is everything alright with you?" Charlie asks.

"I was about to say the same thing" I say back.

"You first" he says.

"Fine, I've just been struggling lately and Isaac's been really worrying about me and it's starting to annoy me and schools getting harder and then don't get me started on the homework" I rant.

"What's wrong with you?" I ask after I finish ranting.

"ED getting worse, OCD is playing up and my mental health is really not happy at the moment" he says.

"So we're both kind drowning I guess" I say.

"Yeah you could say that" he says.

Authors note:
Hi everyone! I hope you guys have had an amazing week and are doing well. I hope you guys liked this chapter and I am going to delve deeper into Charlie and nicks story soon but I do want to dive into Chase and Isaac's first. I'm so grateful for everyone that's been reading this story and I hope you guys are really liking it. Have an amazing week guys bye!

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