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Daenerys enters the throne room seeing Cersei's headless body before the throne. She looks up seeing two figures; one sitting on the throne; Alden with Elizabeth beside him

Daenerys: What are you doing here?

Elizabeth: Finishing the war.

Daenerys: Do you know how dangerous this was? You could've died!

Alden: We didn't. Look

He throws Cersei's head at her feet.

Elizabeth: She may have pissed me off.

Alden: Hanir's in the dungeons freeing Grey Worm and Missandei, Daenerys.

Hanir and Jorah rushes into the room with Grey Worm and Tyrion behind them.

Hanir: The Golden Company has surrendered. King's Landing is ours.

Grey: Ser Jorah, are you alright?

Jorah whistles reaching behind him and throws The Mountain's head on the floor.

Tyrion: Seven Hells. You actually killed him?

Jorah: Yes I did. May he burn. Heavy fucker he is.

Alden: Daenerys, raise the banners

Daenerys: At once, Uncle.

She turns and walks out of the room. Alden sits back down on the Iron Throne.

Jorah: Looks good on you

Hanir: Yeah it looks really good on you

Alden chuckles


Karron walks though the ruins of the battle of King's Landing. He approaches Jon, Davos, Marcel, Klaus and Kol as the banners of House Targaryens flies over the Red Keep.

Unsullied soldiers stand at attention behind a line of kneeling Lannister prisoners. Grey Worm paces in front of them.

Grey Worm: In the name of our one true King Aelor Targaryen, I hereby give you the chance to flee to your homes.

Jon and Kol are walking among the streets

Jon: It's over

Kol: It's finally over. Thank the Gods or whatever.


Bronn is lead down into the cellar by Klaus and he opens a cell door and throws Bronn inside the cell closing the door and locks

Klaus: Have fun until the King decides what to do with you, Bronn whatever your name is.

He turns and walks away. Bronn smirks sitting down on the cot, placing his hands on his knees.


Hanir walks in the snowy courtyard. The piles of rubble are covered by a layer of snow. More snow falls from the grey and blustery sky. He looks up at the Red Keep as he walks, approaching a passageway that leads to the Keep.


Alden and Jorah are in the throne room, Alden is sitting on the Iron Throne as Hanir enters the room and walks down the aisle

Hanir: Bronn is currently residing in the dungeon until we decide what to do with you.

Alden: Let him stew down then for a while then we make our decision.

Hanir: Where's Daenerys and Elizabeth?

Jorah: I sent them to oversee the clean up in Flea Bottom. That got hit the hardest.

The Snow BastardsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora