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Men of the Night's Watch prepare the horses as snow falls on Castle Black. Thormund is brought before Alden. He nods and a brother removes Tormund's chains. Tormund raises his hand and smirks at Rohar

Tormund: Looks like we're gonna be allies, pretty boy

Rohar: Ah fuck off

Tormund: I know you wanna fuck me. Don't lie

Rohar rolls his eyes

Alden walks over to Jon

Alden: Safe travels.

Jon: Thank you, Lord Commander

Alden hands him a package and Jon unwraps it to find a sword.

Alden: Dragonglass. It's what I used to kill the White Walker. I hope you don't need them

Jon: Me too

Rohar is tightening his bag on horseback as Jorah and Talana walks up

Talana: Do you really have to go?

Rohar: I can't leave here knowing I didn't do whatever I can to help those innocent people, sister. I mean if Roslie or Robb was among them.....

Jorah: You got Dark Sister?

Rohar nods patting the sword that's in the sheath on the side of his horse. He hugs his sister before getting up on his horse and rides towards Jon and Tormund

Tormund: Come on, darling. Let's ride

They ride away

Rohar: I'm gonna kill you

Tormund chuckles.


Aemon: There he is. That laugh. Egg! Egg laughed like that. One of the first things I remember about him.

Gilly looks at Sam, confused.

Sam: His little brother, Aegon. He became king.

Aemon: And before that, he was a jolly fellow. Like this one.

Aemon grabs Sam's shirt and pulls him down closer whispering in his ear, Sam's eyes widens in shock

Gilly: What did he say?

Sam: don't really know.


Sansa is sleeping. Theon approaches and closes a window, waking Sansa.

Sansa: Theon, wait.

Theon: Not Theon, my lady. Reek.

Sansa sits up in bed, revealing cuts and bruises along her arms.

Sansa: Help me.

Theon: You're his wife now.

Sansa: Theon

Theon: Do what he says. Do what he says or he'll hurt you.

Sansa: He already hurts me every night. All day I'm locked in this room and every night he comes. It can't be worse.

Theon: It can. It can always be worse.

Sansa stands up.

Sansa: What did he do to you?

Theon: Please...

Theon goes for the door. Sansa runs to the door and blocks him from leaving.

Sansa: You betrayed my family! Darin betrayed Talana's family!

The Snow BastardsWhere stories live. Discover now