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The wind blows over the tundra. A dark cloud starts forming on the horizon, growing larger until it consumes everything. A white walker rides into view, accompanied by several other white walkers. The army of the dead files through the darkness. An undead giant walks into view


Klaus, Rohar, and Jon are standing around in the dining hall

Rohar: We don't have to worry about Walder Frey anymore or his two cunt sons

Jon: What did you do?

Rohar smirks shaking his head in amusement

Rohar: I baked him a pie

Klaus and Jon looks confused for a second when it hits them

Klaus: Oh nice one.

Rohar: I know. Roslie was the one who slit his throat though.

Jon: Who's in charge of the Twins?

Rohar: We left one of her sisters in charge when we left.


Alden and Elizabeth sits at the high table. Sansa, Hanir, Davos, and Klaus are sitting at their sides. Jorah is standing behind Alden.

Brienne, Karron, Kari, Marcel, Rohar, Talana, Baelish, Yohn, Lyanna, and Robett and the lords of the other northern houses are all gathered in the hall

Alden: We want every northern maester to scour their records. for any mention of dragonglass. Rohar, go though your father's records for any mention of dragonglass.

Rohar: I'll make it so, Your Grace.

Alden: Dragonglass kills White Walkers. It's more valuable to us now then gold.

Elizabeth: We need to find it and we need to mine it. We need to make weapons from it.

Alden: Everyone aged 10 to 60 will drill daily with spears, pikes, bow and arrow.

Elizabeth: It's time we taught these boys of summer how to fight.

There are laughter echos though the hall.

Alden: We can't defend the North if half the population is fighting.

Robett: You expect me to put a spear in my grandaughter's hand?

Lyanna: I don't plan on knitting by the fire while men fight for me. I may be small, Lord Glover and I might be a girl, but I am every bit as much a Northerner as you.

Robett: Indeed you are, my lady. No one has questioned----

Marcel stands up.

Marcel: She doesn't need your permission to defend the North.

Lyanna turns towards the high table

Lyanna: We'll begin training every man, woman, boy and girl on Bear Island.

Davos and Klaus smiles. Hanir turns to Alden and Elizabeth

Hanir: The people who cannot fight. We should move them to Winterfell

Rohar: Knightfall is willing to house the ones who cannot fight as well

Elizabeth and Alden nods in agreement.

Jon: We should shore up our defenses.

Alden: The only thing standing between us and the Army of the Dead is the Wall. And the Wall hasn't been properly manned in centuries. I'm not the king of the Free Folk. But if we're going to survive this winter together-----

The Snow Bastardsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें