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Hanir, Kol, Marcel, and Karron are gathered in the war room around the war table.

Karron: A band of 20 men, maybe less. They were in and out before anyone spotted them, burnt our food stores to the ground. Thought they didn't get to our siege weapons.

Kol: Ramsay or Stannis?

Marcel: Ramsay would my bet.

Hanir: Word on Stannis's?

Marcel: Our scouts reported same thing happened to them but worse. All their siege weapons were lost and a good chunk of their horses.

Hanir: 20 men rode into their camp without sounding the alarm?

Kol: Ramsay is tricky cunt I'll give him that.

Hanir: Double the guard on our other food stores and the weapons.

Karron bows his head and walks out of the room.

Kol: Oh my birds has informed me Elizabeth has left Meereen. She's returning to Westeros.

Hanir's face lights up in relief hearing Elizabeth is returning

Hanir: Is she alone?

Kol: Yes but you know she has to return here, Hanir. She's the Queen in the North now.

Hanir sighs running his hand though his hair

Hanir: I know. What of Stannis?

Marcel: He knows he can't press here. He doesn't have enough food to get them back to Castle Black and seriously doubt Alden would let them in again.


The Hardhome survivors, led by Jon, Tormund, Rohar, Pyp, and Wun-Wun, approach the wall

Jon: Rohar? Are you alright?

Rohar: No, I'm not.

Pyp: What's wrong?

Rohar: I've never been afraid running into battle but facing down those White Walkers. I was fucking terrified.

Tormund: Don't worry, darling. I won't let you die

Thorne looks down at the group. Jon steps forward, Alliser stares for a moment. Rohar has Karsi's two daughters beside him, he looks down at Joanna

Rohar: You stay close to Tormund, okay? Do not leave his side.

Joanna nods her head.

Thorne: Open the gates.

The lower gate is lifted.


The Hardhome Wildlings are being escorted through Castle Black. Alden and Jorah walks up towards Jon and Rohar

Jon: It was a failure.

Jorah: No it wasn't. You saved 5000 lives.

Rohar: But how many more lost their lives because we couldn't save them. Jon's right, we failed.

Alden: You didn't fail them. Every one of them is alive because of you, no one else. You saved them.

Rohar: I don't think that fact's lost on them

Jorah looks over his shoulder to where Rohar is staring; Karsi's daughters.

Rohar: When I take back Knightfall, those two girls will have a home. I'm gonna take them in

Jon: Should you talk to your wife first?

Rohar: I'll bring it up when I see her again.

Talana: ROHAR!!

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