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Daenerys sits at Elizabeth's bedside, Elizabeth hasn't woke up since Grey Worm brought her back. Daenerys runs her fingers though her hair

Daenerys: I can't lose you. We're supposed to go home.

A tear falls down her cheek and wipes it away.

Elizabeth: Where's home? Because I don't think you'll like Winterfell

Daenerys: You're okay.

Elizabeth attempts to sit up but winces in pain.

Elizabeth: Have I told you how beautiful you are?

Daenerys: You're a fool, Elizabeth Snow.

Elizabeth: A fool who's never leaving your side?

Daenerys: You're right.


Alden sits in a the library with Aemon reading a letter.

Alden: "And though Daenerys maintains her grip on Slaver's Bay, forces rise against her from within and without. She refuses to leave until the freedom of the former slaves is secure." She sounds like quite a woman.

Aemon: And she's alone, under siege, no family to guide her or protect her. Her last relation thousands of miles away, useless, dying.

Alden: Don't say that, Aemon.

Aemon: A Targaryen alone in the world is a terrible thing, Lord Commander.

Alden: I need your advice. There's something I want to do, something I have to do. But it'll divide the Night's Watch. Bitterly. Half the men will hate me the moment I give the order.

Aemon: Half the men hate you already, Lord Commander. Do it.

Alden: But you don't know what it is.

Aemon: That doesn't matter. You do. You will find little joy in your command. But with luck, you will find the strength to do what needs to be done. Kill the boy. Winter is almost upon us. Kill the boy, and let the man be born. Be the man you were born to be, Aelor

Alden looks up at him confused

Alden: Aelor? What did you call me?

Aemon: Oh did I say that? I am sorry but that's a story for another time.


Alden and Tormand sits across from each other in Alden's office

Alden: Where are the rest of the Free Folk now? Where have they gone?

Tormund: They followed Mance. They won't follow anyone else.

Alden: What about you?

Tormund: Hard to lead when you're in chains.

Alden: What if I unchained you?

Tormund: Why would you do that?

Alden: Because you are not my enemy. And I'm not yours.

Tormund: You sure seemed like my enemy when you were killing my friends.

Alden: For 8,000 years the Night's Watch have sworn an oath to be the shield that guards the realms of men. And for 8,000 years we've fallen short of that oath. You belong to the realms of men. All of you.

Tormund: And now everything is going to change?

Alden: It is.

Tormund: Why now?

Alden: Because now I am the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch.

Tormund: What would you have me do, love?

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