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Elizabeth is in her chambers getting her sword ready when the door opens and Marcel enters

Marcel: Are you ready? They'll be here soon

Elizabeth: Yes I'm ready

Marcel nods and Elizabeth walks past him, he closes the door


Cassandra is riding on horseback though a field coming up to Backton's Keep. Her and the knights rides inside, she dismounts her horse as Kol walks up to her

Kol: My Lady. Did you have any trouble on the journey?

Cassandra: No we didn't. Where can the men set up their tents?

Kol: Karron!

Karron turns and walks towards them

Karron: Yes?

Kol: Show the Marshall men down to the field where they can make camp

Karron nods and walks away.

Kol: What will you be doing?

Cassandra: I'm going to set up and help out with the wounded.

She walks towards one of the tents. Kol chuckles clasping his hands behind his back and walks though the courtyard.


Hanir and Alissa are standing in front of the fireplace

Hanir: Before my father disappeared, he wanted this. He wanted our House to rise again from the ashes. With Aelor Targaryen marching towards here, we have a chance to make things right. To bring out peace to the realm

Alissa: Are you certain the people will follow Alden Grey?

Hanir: They will. He is nothing like his half brother. He's a good and honorable man.


Elizabeth walks into the war room where Marcel, Klaus, Karron, and Hanir are gathered around the war map

Elizabeth: What was this meeting called for?

Marcel: Euron Greyjoy was named King of the Iron Islands.

Hanir: Now all of Pyke's ships will go to Euron.

Klaus: We don't trust Euron. He's a means to an end.

Karron: My Lady.......Jon has abandoned his vows and is on his way here with Aelor Targaryen. Sansa, Rohar, and Talana are with him.

Elizabeth: How long until they arrive?

Hanir: Hopefully not long. Then we can prepare for taking back Winterfell.

Elizabeth: We still need the other Houses of the North to side with us.

Klaus: I'll be riding out in the next hour to House Mormont. Procure Lyanna's loyalty.

Hanir: Lady Lyanna's a child but she hates the Boltons just as much as we do, she'll side with us

Klaus: I'll return soon

He turns and walks out of the room.

Elizabeth: We still need the other Northern Houses to side with us

Karron: The Karstarks and Umbers has sided with House Bolton.

Marcel: That doesn't surprise me. Do you think Alden or Aelor or whatever can convince the other Houses to side with us?

Hanir: Alden's a great man. He's nothing like the Mad King.

Marcel: You don't have to convince me. I know Alden. He is a good man.


Walder is sitting in a high chair addressing two of his sons, BLACK WALDER and LOTHAR. One of his young daughter stands beside him. Many other family members sit at the tables, eating.

Walder: You've lost it?

Black Walder: Yes, father.

Walder: It's a castle, not a bloody sheep. Presumably you still know where it is. You didn't lose Riverrun. You let the Blackfish take it from you.

Lothar: He surprised us. He knows the castle better than anyone.

Walder: You did lose not only the Blackfish at the Red Wedding but you lost Rohar Ashwood and Roslie. You had them and you let them get away from you. That's when I ordered you to hunt them down.

Black Walder: I don't think---

Walder: For 300 years we were forced to kiss not only Tully boots but Gaston boots as well. Riverrun is ours. Take it back

Black Walder: We don't have the men.

Walder: We got ten times as many men as the Blackfish

Lothar: But not Elizabeth Snow

Walder: Who cares about some bastard whore?

Black Walder: She's the Queen in the North now, father. She has Hanir's army behind her. She has House Mikaelson, House Marshall and who knows how many other Houses behind her.

Walder: I don't care.

Lothar: And Alden Grey has left Castle Black. He's on his way to Backton's Keep as we speak

Walder: And? Why should I care about another bastard?

Lothar: Because he's calling him Aelor Targaryen now

Fear forms in Walder's eyes as he shallows a gulp.

Black Walder: We should be fortifying our home here. If Hanir decides to bring his army here, he'll slaughtered us all.

Lothar: The Brotherhood Without Banners are rallying the commoners against us. Rallying them for the Queen in the North. The Lockwoods are raiding our supply trains and camps

Black Walder: Riverrun can withstand a siege for a year.

Walder slaps his daughter on on the buttocks.

Walder: If I want excuses, I'll put her in charge. They're laughing at us. All across the Riverlands right down to King's Landing, they're laughing at us.

He stands. Many family members stare at him.

Walder: I hear it in my sleep! I'm not dead yet, unfortunately for you. And I'll not leave this world until they all choke on that laughter. Take that castle back.

Lothar: He'll never yield, Father.

Walder: Oh, he'll yield.

He nods at some servants at the rear of the hall. Lothar looks back at the servants. The servants exit.

Walder: You'll show him the knife you used to kill Robb Stark's child in his whore mother's belly, and you'll show him the knife you used to open his niece's throat. Then you will find Roslie and bring her to me then you will bring me Rohar Ashwood's head.

He pulls his daughter into his lap. The servants return, ushering in a man bound in chains. They undo his chains. The man is Edmure who stares at Walder

Walder: Cheer up, Lord Edmure. You're going home.

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