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Niklaus walks into the Great Hall where Elijah, Kol, and Rebekah's husband Ser Marcel Gerard are.

Niklaus: Brothers. Marcellus

Elijah: Marcellus, make sure everyone has all she needs.

Marcel: At once

He turns and walks out of the hall

Elijah: So blood has been spilled once again.

Kol: So it would seem. Sodding Lannisters thinks they're untouchable.

Klaus: What do you think we are to do?

Elijah sighs sitting down shaking his head

Elijah: With our full forces, we are outnumbered. We need more allies.

Kol: The bastard girl Elizabeth has disappeared. My birds have informed she was last seen crossing the Narrow Sea.

Klaus: What the seven hells for-----Oh bloody hell! She's going to ask assistance from Darnerys Targaryen.

Elijah: So it would seem.

Kol: Joffrey. That runt is repulsive. Discourteous, vile and vicious. Do you remember how he was always eyeing Rebekah?

Klaus: Aye he's nothing more but the spawn of Jamie "Sister Fucker" Lannister and Cersei who's a harlot.

Elijah: Must I remind you how Tarik kept the Seven Kingdoms from war multiple times, brothers.

Klaus and Kol share a confused look

Klaus(chuckles): Those bloody secrets of his. I swear he had something on everyone in the realm.

Elijah: He knew one, something only a handful of people knew and now most of those who knew are dead.

Kol: What are you implying?

Elijah: There is another Targaryen. Aegon V's bastard son who he legitimized in secret.

Klaus: That would make him-----

Kol: The Heir to the Iron Throne.

Klaus: What is his name?

Elijah: Aelor Targaryen.


Tywin unsheathes two blades, handing one to a blacksmith but keeps Stormbringer in his clutches.


Jaime holds the sword in his hand admiring it

Jamie: Magnificent.

Tywin: Mm-hmm.

Jamie: Looks fresh forged.

Tywin: It is.

Jamie: No one's made a Valyrian steel sword since the Doom of Valyria.

Tywin walks around his desk and looks down at Stormbringer laying on his desk

Jaime: Wait a minute.....Stormbringer is Valyrian steel?

Tywin: There are three living smiths who know how to rework Valyrian steel. The finest of them was in Volantis. Came here to King's Landing at my invitation.

Jaime: Where did you get this much Valyrian steel?

Tywin: From someone who no longer had need of it.

Jaime: You've wanted one of these in the family for a long time

Tywin: And now we have three.

Jaime: Three?

Tywin: The original weapon was absurdly large. Plenty of steel for two swords. Though pity we couldn't received Dark Sister from Rohar Ashwood.

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