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Alden, Sam, and Gilly are sitting around a campfire. Alden brushes the fire keeping it burning low.

Gilly: You've got too much wood in there.

Alden: More wood, the bigger the fire.

Gilly: It needs to breath

Alden: Aye but the fire needs to be low burning so no one will find us.

He grabs a big log off the fire and tosses it on the ground. The flames dances up slightly burning

Sam: Huh? You know your fires

Alden plops down on the ground leaning against a log, folding his arms

Gilly: Someone built your fires for you growing up?

Sam: It doesn't get so cold down in the Reach

Alden: And I was raised in King's Landing.

Gilly: I knew you two were highborn.

Alden: Not highborn. Bastard father just served the King. Kingsguard.

Sam: Oh I found something in the Fists of the First Men.

He pulls out the dragonglass dagger and shows it to Gilly.

Sam: Buried treasure. Thousands of years old. I think.

Gilly: What does it do?

Sam: I'm not sure that it does anything. It's beautiful though, isn't it?

Alden: Sam, put that away

Sam sheathes the dagger back underneath his cloak.

Gilly: How much longer?

Sam: Not so far. A few more days.

Gilly: Is the Wall as big as they say?

Sam: Bigger. So big you can't even see the top sometimes. It's hidden in the clouds

Alden looks between them from other side of the fire, smiling slightly.

Gilly: You're playing with me

Alden: He's not.

Sam: It's seven hundred feet high, all made of ice. On a warm day you can see it weeping.

Alden: Castle Black's nice enough. We keep a fire burning in the long hall day and night

Sam: And Hobb makes venison stew with onions. Very tasty

Alden: Clearly you don't know good stew that well.

Sam: Sometimes, one of the brothers will sing. Dareon sings best.

Gilly: Do you sing?

Sam: No. No, no, no. Not very well.

Gilly: Sing me a song.

Sam: Oh, all right. Let's see.

Alden tilts his head up to the night sky, arms folded as he stares upward listening to Sam's song.


Talana pulls a bow back letting a arrow go towards a straw man

Anguy: You're good. You're not as good as you think you are.

Talana: Face, tits, balls- I hit 'em right where I wanted to.

Anguy: Aye, but you took your sweet time of it. You won't be fighting straw men, little lady. Show me your position.

She pulls back her bow

Anguy: Keep your elbow high. You want your back doing the hard labor. You're holding. Never hold.

The Snow BastardsWhere stories live. Discover now