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The funeral of Hoster Tully is being held on the banks of the Red Fork of the Trident river. Robb, Talisa, Hanir, and Elizabeth are standing on the docks.

Edmure Tully fires a flaming arrow towards the funeral boat but the arrow splashes in the water. He lights another arrow and loads it in his bow, taking aim and fires but it misses again

Elizabeth rolls her eyes walking forward and yanks the bow from Edmure, lights an arrow and loads it. She takes aim and fires, this time hitting the funeral boat lighting it up in flames

Elizabeth: You still suck, Uncle.

Edmure rolls his eyes while Rohar and Robb snickers. Hanir smirks proudly. Elizabeth turns and walks off the docks, clicking her tongue and Ghost runs behind her.


Edmure: If may, Nephew......

Robb is staring out the window while Elizabeth and Rohar sits down at the table. Rohar has his feel popped up while Elizabeth wipes down her one of her daggers

Edmure: I encountered a situation with one of my lieutenants at the Stone Mill which may have some bearings-----

Brynden: Why don't you shut your mouth about that damned mill?

Rohar: Don't call him nephew. He's your King.

Edmure: Robb knows what I meant.

Elizabeth: You're lucky I'm not your Queen. I wouldn't let your blunders around like victory flag

Brynden smirks; Rohar chuckles as he pets Ghost behind the ear who's laying down at his side.

Edmure: My blunder sent Tywin's mad dog scrying back to Casterly Rock with his tail betwee his legs, niece. I think King Robb understands we're not gonna want this war if he's the only one winning any battles. There's glory enough to go around

Rohar: Oh is that what you want? Glory?

Robb: It's not about glory. Your instructions were to wait for him to come to you.

Edmure: I seized an opportunity.

Rohar: What value did that mill have?

Edmure: The Mountain was garrisoned across the river from it.

Robb: Is he there now?

Edmure: Of course not. We took the fight to him. He could not withstand us.

Robb: I wanted to draw the Mountain into the west, into our country where we could surround him and kill him. I wanted him to chase us, which he would have done because he is a mad without a strategic thought in his head. I could have that head on a spike by now. Instead, I have a mill.

Edmure: We took hostages. Willem Lannister. Martyn Lannister.

Elizabeth: They're 14 years old.

Brynden: Martyn is 15, I believe

Rohar: Oh so you captured children. Oh you took the glory alright

Edmure narrows his eyes glaring towards him.

Robb: Tywin Lannister has our sisters. Have I sued for peace?

Edmure: No.

Robb: Do you think he'll sue for peace because we have his father's brother's great-grandsons?

Edmure: No.

Elizabeth: How many men did you lose?

Edmure: But for every man we lost, the Lannisters-

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