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Jon, Alden, and Sam are standing on the edge of the Wall staring out at the darkness of the North.

Sam: What were they like?

Alden: What?

Jon: She......she had red hair

Alden: Nora had brown hair.

Sam: Oh? How big were her feet?

Alden and Jon looks at him confused

Alden: What do you want us to say?

Sam: I want you to tell me what it was like to have someone. To be with someone. To love someone and have them love you back.

Alden looks down with a sad expression.

Sam: We're all gonna die a lot sooner then I'd planned. You're the closest I'll ever get to knowing

Jon: So you and Gilly never?

Sam: No...she just had a baby! ...and she never offered.

Jon: But if she had, you would've? You'd have broken your vows?

Sam: The interesting thing is, our vows never specifically forbid intimate relations with women.

Jon: What?

Sam: "I shall take no wife" yes, that's in there, there's no denying that. "I shall father no children" it's very specific. But what our vows have to say about open to interpretation.

Alden: I don't think Thorn cares much for interpretation.

They turn and walks down the steps

Sam: Anyway, there's nothing for him to interpret. We didn't. So what's it like?

They walk along the Wall.

Jon: It's...there's this person, this whole other person. And you're wrapped up in them and they're wrapped up in you a little...for a little while you're more than just you, you're...well I don't know, I'm not a bleedin' poet!

Alden: No, you're really not.

Jon: And what did I get for it? An arrow six inches from my heart.

Sam: There'll be arrows for all of us soon I imagine.

Alden: There will.

Sam: They've already done the worst thing to me they could ever do.

Alden pats him and Jon on the shoulders

Jon: Go get some sleep, both of you. I'll take this watch.

Sam and Alden walks into the lift and Alden closes the gate as the lift begins to go down. Jon stares out at the darkness


Alden is in the library reading a book

Aemon: And what is it that couldn't wait until morning, Alden?

Alden turns his head seeing Aemon beside him.

Alden: Maester Aemon. How did you know----

Aemon: That it was you? Who else but Alden Grey would be wasting candles to read in the middle of the night? You or Samwell Tarly.

Alden chuckles softly.

Alden: Let me help you

He grabs a lantern

Aemon: Oh no, no. I know my way around this library.

He slowly sits down in a chair at the table. Alden places the lantern on top of the table.

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