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Waves are crashing against rocks and washing over the beach. Alden, Elizabeth, Rohar, Marcel, and Karron are walking along the beach towards Tyrion, Missandei, and Dothraki guards. Dragonstone is in the distance.

Tyrion: Ah hello again, Elizabeth

Elizabeth: Hello imp

Karron leans in and whispers in Marcel's ear

Karron: So that's the imp?

Marcel: Yeah I think so.

Missandei: Hello again, Elizabeth

Elizabeth: Missandei.

Tyrion: The Targaryen bastard.

Alden: The dwarf of Casterly Rock.

Tyrion: Hanir

Hanir: Tyrion

Hanir and Tyrion stare each other down for a long moment before stepping forward and shakes hands.

Tyrion: Alden, Aelor......I believe we last saw each at top of the Wall.

Alden: You were pissing off the edge if I remeber right

Tyrion points to Karron and Marcel

Tyrion: And man and boy I don't know and Rohar

Rohar: Imp.

Marcell: Marcellus Gernard of House Mikaelson

Karron: Karron Moore.

Tyrion: You I still don't know you

Karron rolls his eyes as Alden and Marcel snickers.

Tyrion: Now Elizabeth, I think it's best we hurry along. Daenerys has missed you something terribly. It's quite annoying really.

Elizabeth smiles, shaking her head.

Tyrion: And she would love to meet her uncle

Alden: Lead the way then, Tyrion.

Missandei: Welcome to Dragonstone. Our queen knows this is a long journey. She appreciates the effort you have made on her behalf. If you wouldn't mind handing over your weapons.

Alden and Elizabeth looks at the others

Alden: Of course

Elizabeth: Anything for you, Missandei.

Alden and Elizabeth hands their swords over. Hanir unties Stormbringer and hands it over. Karron and Marcel hands their swords over. Rohar hands over Dark Sister.

Hanir looks at Grey Worm who approaches him

Grey Worm(Valyrian): I've heard of your feats, Hanir Gaston. You are a true great warrior.

Hanir(Valyrian): Unsullied?

Grey Worm nods

Hanir(Valyrian): I have heard of you. You're mighty warriors.

Grey Worm smiles, bowing his head.

Grey Worm(Valyrian); I look forward to fighting alongside you

Hanir: As do I. It will be an honor.

Karron and Marcel begins walking with Missandel. Hanir walking behind. Alden and Elizabeth are trailing behind.

Marcel: Where are you from? I can't place that accent

Missandei: I was born on the island of Naath.

Marcel: I hear it's beautiful down there. Palm trees and butterflies. My wife wants to go there.

The Snow BastardsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora