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Rohar, Talana, and Jorah rides up to the ruins of a smoldering farm in the distance

Rohar: Could be food

Talana: Could also be soldiers.

They gallop closer towards the farm, climbs off their horses. Rohar and Talana are exploding the burned out house

Jorah walks up in front of a wounded man leaning against a destroyed wagon. Rohar and Talana walks up

Talana: You shouldn't be sitting out here like this.

Man: Where else to sit? Tried to walk back to my hut, hurt too much. Then I remembered they burned my hut down.

Jorah: Who did this?

Man: I stopped asking a while ago.

Rohar kneels down and looks at the man's wound

Rohar: That's not gonna get any better.

Man: Doesn't seem so

Jorah: Bad way to go. Haven't you had enough?

Man: Of what?

No one says anything

Man: I know. Time to go. Take matters into my own hands. The thought has occurred to me.

Talana kneels down beside the dying man. Rohar and Talana stare at him sadly.

Talana: So why go on?

Man: Habit.

Rohar: Nothing could be worse than this.

Man: Maybe nothing is worse than this.

Talana: Nothing isn't better or worse than anything. Nothing is just nothing.

Man: Who are you?

Rohar: Rohar. Rohar Ashwood. My sister Talana Ashwood

The man looks up at Jorah

Jorah: Jorah Grey.

Man: I met Tarik once. He was a great man.

Talana and Rohar nods their heads smiling sadly.

Talana: He was.

Man: He always treated people fairly. Listened to whatever they came to him with. Never turned anyone away. Fair. Kind. Honorable.

Rohar hands him a cup of water. The man takes several swigs.

Man: Wish it was wine

Rohar: So do I but my wife told me to slow down on my drinking

Man: My wife was the same.

Rohar sighs as he drives his dagger into the man's heart. The man looks up at him and Rohar nods. He takes his dagger out as the man takes his final breath and dies.

Jorah: That's how you kill me. That's where the heart is.

Suddenly a man leaps up on his back and bites his neck. Jorah throws him off and snaps his neck.

Jorah: Fucking Hell!

He turns to see another man aiming his sword at him. Rohar and Talana stands up, Rohar clutches Dark Sister eyeing the man

Rorge: There's a price on your head

Rohar: Guess that's what king does when you tell him to fuck off.

Rorge: The king's dead.

All three shares a shocked look with each other.

Rorge: He drank poisoned wine at his own wedding.

The Snow BastardsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ