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Elijah, Grey Worm and the Unsullied forces stands in formation in front of King's Landing. Jamie and the Lannister forces looks down at them from the rampart.

A trumpet blares. Men howl and whoop in the distance, accompanied by thundering hoofbeats. The Dothraki crest the hill behind the disciplined unsullied army. They are savage and shrieking. They ride through and past the Unsullied.


Tyrion, Theon, Darin, and Varys stands on the deck looking out at the distance as their ships sail. Rohar walks up to Elizabeth, Jorah M, and Kol standing on the deck

Elizabeth: How many people live here?

Alden: A million, give or take.

Rohar: Ugh! I hate King's Landing. Always smells of piss.

Elizabeth: That's more people than the entire North crammed into that. Why would anyone want to live that way?

Rohar: There's more work in the city. And the brothels are far superior or so I'm told.

Sandor descends a staircase into a dark hold, bearing a lantern. He advances carefully and stops at a crate. He gives one knock, and the wight screeches in a frenzy, shaking his crate prison. Satisfied that the Wight lives, Sandor turns and exits.


Elizabeth, Alden, Tyrion, Rohar, Jorah M, Missandei, and Davos walk ahead of their Dothraki guards. Varys, Darin, Theon and Sandor are further back.

Missandei: Why did they build it?

Jorah: Dragons don't understand the difference between what is theirs and what isn't. Land, livestock, children... Letting them roam free around a city was a problem.

Tyrion: I imagine it was a sad joke at the end. An entire arena for a few sickly creatures smaller than dogs. But in the beginning, when it was home to Balerion the Dread, it must have been the most dangerous place in the world.

Lannister guards approach, led by Bronn and accompanied by Brienne and Hanir.

Davos: Maybe it still is.

Bronn: Welcome, my lords. Your friends arrived before you did.

Hanir and Elizabeth exchanges a look. Bronn and Varys shares a smug smirk with each other.

Bronn: I've been sent to escort you all to the meeting.

He extends his hand

Bronn: Your Grace.

Alden glares at him as he walks past. The Lannister guards parts clearing a path. The Dothraki all moves behind Alden. Elijah, Davos, and Rohar walks up to Hanir and they follows.


The party enters the ruin of the dragon pit. Lannister banners decorate the walls, and the stage has been furnished with open tents for the summit. Everyone files in, Lannisters to the right, Northerns to the left.

Jorah M and Tyrion looks around. Cersei enters with the Mountain, Qyburn, Euron and Jamie. Cersei and Elizabeth exchanges a look, Cersei smirks. Euron smirks at Theon and Darin. Alden glares at the Mountain.

He walks up glaring up at the Mountain.

Alden: You don't know me but you know my brother. You're even uglier then I remembered. What did they do to you, fucker? This is not how it ends. You know who's coming for you. You've always known.

He walks away. The Mountain watches him then takes his place behind Cersei.

Cersei: Where is she, darling?

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