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Jorah M's body lays on a funeral pyre. Daenerys has tears in her eyes, Elizabeth's arm is around her shoulder. Daenerys buries her head in her chest. Elizabeth gently kisses her on the forehead.

Theon, Darin, and Elijah's bodies lays on funeral pyres. Rohar and Talana walks up to Darin's body. Rohar places a Ashwood pin on Darin's body

Rohar: You're forgiven.

Talana: Tell our father we love him and we'll see him again.

They step back as Klaus, Kol, and Marcel steps up to Elijah's body, tears in their eyes. Rohar wraps his arm around Roslin who has Robb in her arms.

Klaus: I won't fail you, brother. Always and Forever

Kol: Always and Forever

Marcel: See you on the other side.

They step back. Jon, Arya, Sam, Lyanna, Jorah G, Alden, Cassandra, Hanir, Alissa, Karron, Kari, and Sansa stand amongst the crowd.

In front of the crowed are dozens of funeral pyres. Ghost stands beside Elizabeth, head bowed. Alden steps forward

Alden: We're here to say goodbye to our brothers and sisters. To our fathers and mothers. To our friends. Our fellow men and women who set aside their differences to fight together and die together

Klaus let a lone tear slip down his cheek. Kol wraps his arm around his brother's shoulder.

Alden: So others may live. Everyone in this world owns them a debt that can never be repaid. It is our duty and our honor to keep them in memory.....for those who come after us and those who come after them for as long as men draw breath. They were the shields that guarded the realms of men. And we shall never see their like again.

Elizabeth, Hanir, Klaus, Jon, Daenerys, Rohar, and Grey Worm are handed torches. Alden walks back and stands beside Cassandra who interlinks their hands together.

Elizabeth lights Theon's pyre. Jon lights Pyp's pyre. Daenerys lights Jorah's pyre. Klaus lights Elijah's pyre.

They watch the flames engulfs the pyres.


The feast is quiet. No one is talking just sitting in silence. Karron, Kari, and Gendry are sitting in silence at one of the tables. At the head table; Alden, Hanir, Elizabeth, Sansa, Rohar, Talana, Daenerys, and Klaus.

Elizabeth has her arm around Daenerys's shoulder, she kisses her on the head

Elizabeth: I'm still here, okay?

Daenerys: I know.

Alden looks at Karron and Gendry and shares a look with Hanir who nods

Alden: Karron. Gendry

Gendry and Karron stands up and walks towards the high table bowing their heads

Karron: Your Grace

Gendry: Your Grace.

Alden: You're Robert's sons?

Karron: Yes, Your Grace

Alden: I want to reward the both of you for your bravery and for everything you've done.

Karron and Gendry look at each other confused

Alden: Karron, I hereby name you Lord of Storm's End

Karron: But I can't be. I'm a bastard.

Alden: So am I, remember? You are Karron and Gendry Baratheon of Storm's End. The lawful sons of Robert Baratheon. Because that is what you deserve

Marcel: Damn straight!

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