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Darin and Dagmer enters Talana's chambers. Darin walks up to Talana who's sleeping in her bed.

Darin: I've taken your castle, my lady

Talana: Darin, what the fuck are you doing?

Darin: It's Prince Darin now. Get up. You have to get dressed. I've taken Knightfall. Theon has taken Winterfell. I took it. I'm occupying it. I sent men over the walls with grappling claws and ropes.

Talana: Why?

Darin: To take the castle

Talana: You went with Rohar?

Darin: And Robb sent us back to the Pyke. I'm a Greyjoy. I can't fight for Robb and my father both. My men are bringing your people together in the courtyard.

Talana: Why?

Darin: So you and your father can go down and tell them - how he's yielded Knightfall to him

Talana: He won't do that

Darin: Yes he will.

He moves closer to her where she reaches for a knife on the side table but he grabs her wrist and takes the knife

Talana: We'll fight you.

Darin: The castle is mine. Winterfell is Theon's. But the people are still your father's. Tarik will yield to keep them safe, to keep them alive. That's what a good lord would do.

He stands up and heads to the door

Talana: Dorin? Did you hate us the entire time?

Dorin stares at her not saying a single word


Tarik addresses the crowd while Darin, Talana, and Dagmer watches

Tarik: I've yielded Knightfall to Darin Greyjoy.

Darin: Louder! Prince Darin!

Tarik rolls his eyes.

Tarik: I've yielded Knightfall to Prince Darin

Darin: You all know me

Talana: We all know you're a sack of shit

Tarik: Talana, you be silent!

Darin: Listen to your father, Talana. He has more sense then you do

Talana clenches her jaw glaring towards him.

Tarik: All of you should do as he commands.

Darin: My father has donned the ancient crown of Salt and Rock and declared himself King of the Iron Islands. He claims the North as well by right of conquest. You are all his subjects.

Farlen: Bugger that. I serve the Ashwoods. If you think you can hold the North with this----

An Ironborn hits Farlen over the head. He screams and stumbles to the ground.

Ironborn: Shut up!

Darin: If you serve me as loyally as you served Tarik Ashwood, I will be as good to you as he ever was. Betray me, and you will wish you hadn't. Send a raven to Pyke informing my father of our victory here. And one to Deepwood Motte to my sister. Inform her that she's to bring 500 men to Winterfell and another 300 here to Knightfall. I am Lord of Knightfall just as Tarik has informed you

Talana sends a look towards her father, he shakes his head. She sighs in defeat.

Black Lorren and another Ironborn bring a captive, bound, and bloodied Jorah into the courtyard.

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