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Alden and Jon walk though the aftermath of the battle of Castle Black. A crow caws and flies other crows are feasting on dead bodies.

They look down seeing footprints in the snow and share a look with each other. They make their way into the treeline.

They walk for what seems a long time eventually finding their way into Mance's camp. Wildlings surround them holding their weapons in their hands eyeing them.

Alden and Jon holds up their hands above their heads. Mance walks out of his tent.

Mance: Snow. Hello again, Alden.

Alden: Mance.

Mance: You still wearing that black cloak? Snow's wearing it again.

Jon: We've been sent to negotiate with you.

Mance eyes Alden who eyes him back, both men not blinking. Mance moves to the side holding his hand out

Mance: Snow can wait outside.

Alden nods to Jon who nods back and sits down on a log. Alden walks inside the tent with Mance walking in behind


Mance nods to a chair. Alden sits down not taking his eyes off him

Mance: It appears my trusting nature got the better of me regarding Snow. It's happened before. I was hoping his loyalty was real when he pledged himself to us, Alden Grey

Alden: The Halfhand ordered him to join your army and bring back whatever information he could to Castle Black. You made him kill so you could trust him. He was him and the Night's Watch vows.

Mance: Your vows? Mustn't I remind you of Nora?

Alden looks away.

Mance: She wasn't enough to turn you, eh? You were enough for her to run away from Craster?

Alden: Last time I saw her, she put three arrows in me.

Mance: Did Snow see Ygritte at Castle Black?

Alden: Yes

Mance: And?

Alden: She died in his arms.

Mance: His doing?

Alden: No.

Mance: We'll drink to her and to Nora.

He nods to a man who walks away and grabs two cups and a liquid, placing them on the table in between Mance and Alden

Mance: Of all the way I'd kill you, Alden Grey, poison would be the last.

They raise their cups

Mance: Nora

Alden: Nora.

They down their drinks, Alden coughs at the taste of the liquid.

Alden: That's not wine.

Mance: No, it's a proper Northern drink. You did well. Fought hard. Killed some of our strongest men. One of our giants went into your tunnel and never came out again. Mag the Mighty.

Alden: He's dead. He killed my friend Grenn.

Mance: He was their king. The last of a bloodline that stretches back before the First Men.

Alden: Grenn came from a farm.

Mance: Mag and Grenn

Alden: Grenn and Mag

The Snow BastardsWhere stories live. Discover now