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Several servants, being lead by the Stark's steward VAYON POOLE, are loading the Starks' belongings into a carriage.

Poole: If you break anything, the Septa will have my head.

More Lannister men come charging towards POOLE and the others.

Poole: What is - ?

A Lannister soldier runs him through with a spear, killing him. The soldiers proceed to kill the other servants.

Elizabeth is running her hand though Ghost's fur who's laying down beside her when Hanir runs into the Stark Chambers. She leaps up staring at him shock and confused

Elizabeth: What is g---

Hanir: Your belongings? They prepared?

Elizabeth nods her head

Hanir: Go to the meeting place I told you about. Remain hidden. Stick to the shadows as I showed you. Trust no one. I'll join you when I can

He begins running back towards the door

Elizabeth: Wait, where are you going?

Hanir: To find Sansa and Arya.

He runs out the door. Ghost growls as Elizabeth runs to her room to grab her stuff. She lifts a hood over her head and her and Ghost runs out of the chambers.

Sansa is seen walking down a hallway with SEPTA MORDANE.

SEPTA MORDANE: Your sister knew perfectly well we were to leave today. How she could forget -

Sansa: She didn't forget. She's with her dancing master; she's with him every morning. She always comes back with scrapes and bruises. She's so clumsy.

Hanir runs up to them from behind, they turn to face him

Hanir: Go back to your room! Now!

Sansa: What is going on? Hanir?

Hanir: Do as I told you! Run!

Sansa runs away as another group of Lannister soldiers comes around the corner. Hanir unsheathes Stormbringer and twirls it in his hand clutching it tightly.

A soldier charges but Hanir swings his sword slicing the man across the stomach, the man falls on his stomach bleeding heavily.

Another one charges as Hanir raises his blade, bringing it down on top of his head slicing it down the middle.

He stands up staring the other soldiers who are all wide eyed in shock and fear

Hanir: Who is next?

He screams as he leaps into battle, sword raised high as the soldiers screams loudly in horror.

Elizabeth is running down the corridors with Ghost running along her side. She hears screams and sees the silhouettes of other people fighting from other rooms but continues

Elizabeth: Come on, boy. Faster

Ghost lets out a bark as they keep on running.

Arya has now arrived at the stables, where she arrives at the Stark carriage, surrounded by the corpses of the servants killed earlier. All of the Starks' belongings are thrown on the ground. She slowly approaches the scene.

Arya: Needle.

She begins looking through a chest for Needle. Elizabeth and Ghost appears behind her

Elizabeth: Arya! You're okay

Arya: So are you!

She lunges forward embracing her tightly, Ghost barks. Hanir runs into the stable

Hanir: Come on, both of you! Let's go!

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