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Robb sits in his tent with Hanir sitting in front of him, hands on his knees

Hanir: Walder Frey is a dangerous man to cross

Robb: I know, Hanir.

Hanir: And you mean to do it anyway?

Robb: I love her.

Hanir: Is she worth it?

Robb: Yes she's worth everything.

Hanir: Ned didn't love your mother when they married. He hardly knew her and before you say anything, I do love your mother. Betraying your father will always be my greatest shame. My House always believed in people having a choice. Yes they did have arranged marriages but only if the two involved wanted it. Do you remember the story of Clara Gaston?

Robb: Yes you've told us that story so many times

Hanir: Even though her heart beat for someone else or two others, she married the man she wa betrothed to and yes they did love each other in time but she never stopped loving the one Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen.

Robb: Wait what? I think you left that part out?

They laugh

Hanir: Yes. No matter how you find love, arranged or a secret passionate one, love is love. Both can be strong. What does your heart tell you?

Robb: That I love Talisa and I want to marry her

Hanir(smiles): Rohar! Elizabeth!

Robb frowns turning seeing Rohar and Elizabeth walk into the tent

Elizabeth: Well what's the verdict?

Rohar: We having a wedding or what?


Theon and Darin stands in the courtyard addressing their men

Theon: You hear that? That's the mating call of the Northmen. They want to fuck us. Well, I haven't had a good fuck in weeks. I'm ready for one.

The Ironborn laughs

Darin: They say every Ironborn man is worth a dozen from the mainland.

Men: Aye!

Theon: You think they're right?

Black Lorren Aye.

Darin: We die today, brothers. We die bleeding from a hundred wounds with arrows in our necks and spears in our guts, but our war cries will echo through eternity. They will sing about the battle of Winterfell until the Iron Islands have slipped beneath the waves. Every man, woman and child will know who we were and how long we stood. Aggar and Gelmarr, Wex and Urzen, Stygg and Black Lorren. Ironborn warriors will cry out our names as they leap onto the shores of Seagard and Faircastle.

Men: Aye!

Theon: Mothers will name their sons for us.

Men: Aye!

Darin: Girls will think of us with their lovers inside them.

Men: Aye!

Theon: And whoever kills that fucking horn-blower will stand in bronze above the shores of Pyke!

Maen: Aye!

Theon and Darin: What is dead may never die!

Men: What is dead may never die!

Dagmer hits Theon and Darin on the back of the heads, knocking them unconscious. The Ironborn watch them fall.

Black Lorren: Thought they'd never shut up.

Dagmer: It was a good speech. Didn't want to interrupt.

A man places a hood over Theon and Darin's head.


A Septon is marrying Robb and Talisa with Hani, Rohar, and Elizabeth in attendance.

Septon: In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the words.

Robb: Father, smith, warrior, mother ,maiden, crone, stranger.

Talisa: Father, smith, warrior, mother,maiden, crone, stranger.

Robb: I am hers and she is mine from this day until the end of my days.

Talisa: I am his and he is mine from this day until the end of my days.

They kiss each other

Rohar: Aw, I'm gonna cry.

Robb: Did you have to ruin it?

Rohar shurgs grinning

Rohar: Yes, that's what I love

Hanir grabs Elizabeth pulling her away to talk to her in private

Elizabeth: What?

Hanir: Listen, what just happened here tonight is lovely but this is gonna come back and haunt us. Walder won't be happy when he hears this news.

Elizabeth: What are you saying?

Hanir: If anything happens, I want you to run. Cross the Narrow Sea

Elizabeth: The Narrow Sea? Why would I do that?

Hanir: Find Daenerys Targaryen. Convince her to help us.


Jorah and Talana are walking across a field. Talana turns back seeing her home getting further and further away. She turns her eyes back in front of her as they continue walking.

Talana: Where will we go? Where will we be safe?

Jorah: The Wall.

Talana: We're going to the Wall?

Jorah: Yes. My brother Alden will have them take us in, give us shelter. We'll be safe there for a while.


Alden is walking though the snow when a horn blares out loudly not once, not twice but three times. Alden's eyes widens in horror.

Alden: Shit!

There's a high-pitches squeal. Alden sees figures coming towards him. He hides behind a large boulder. The figures comes closer, walking slowly. They are undead and decaying with blue eyes. An undead horse stops next to Alden. A White Walker rides it, and he notices Alden.

Alden stares at the White Walker shocked and horrified.

The White Walker shrieks and orders his undead followers forward. There are scores of them, a seemingly endless onslaught.

Alden: Fuck.

The Snow Bastardsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें