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Darin: A girl? You let a girl and a old man escape?

Black Lorren: The old man managed to cut down two of our men.

Darin pushes Black Lorren in the jaw who falls to the ground. Darin shakes the pain out of his fist. He kicks Black Lorren again and again.

Darin: Get the horses and the hounds.

Dagmer grins and laughs.


Jorah and Talana are walking along side a stream. Talana has a broken look in her eyes, Jorah glances at her and sighs.

Talana: We should've taken more food

Jorah: We couldn't risk going to the kitchens.

Talana: The people all love you, Ser Jorah. They would've given you whatever you needed.

Jorah: If Darin would've found out, he'd hanged them.

Talana: We can't survive on walnuts.

Jorah cracks a walnut in his hand hands it to Talana who eats it.

Talana: We've been walking since sunrise. You're tired

Jorah: I'm fine.

They come across a small rise hearing sounds of children laughing in the distance.

Talana: I know that farm. Father sent two orphans there. They'll give us food.

Jorah: We can't risk it. If Darin tracks us here, he'll torture them until he finds out where we are. They'll be after us with hounds. We got a good start on them but we can't outrun hounds.

Talana sighs keeping her gaze on the farm in the distance until Jorah gently pushes her ahead and they keeps walking


A man twitches while hung by a noose. Another screams in pain.

Man: Go on. Now I want you to tell me what happened. Come on, this way. Come on, speak up. Speak up.

Above the courtyard, Tywin listens and sniffs a wooden toothpick.

Tywin: Wolfsbane. A rare substance. This is no common assassin.

MOUNTAIN: We hanged twenty men and one woman last night.

Tywin: I don't care if you hanged a hundred. A man tried to kill me. I want his name and I want his head.

Karron and Kari are listening in hidden nearby. Kari has tears forming in her eyes, Karron places his hand on her shoulder

Karron places a knife on the table and listens, Kari turns and walks out of the room sobbing silently.

THE MOUNTAIN: We think it was an infiltrator from the Brotherhood Without Banners.

Tywin: Pretentious name for a band of outlaws. We can't allow rebels behind our lines to harass us with impunity. We look like fools and they look like heroes. That's how kings fall. I want them dead, every one.

THE MOUNTAIN: Killing them isn't the problem. It's finding them.

Tywin: Burn the villages, burn the farms. Let them know what it means to choose the wrong side.

THE MOUNTAIN leaves the room

Tywin: Boy?

Karron looks up

Tywin: You're new? What's your name?

Karron: Arlen Rush, my lord.

Tywin: Where are you from?

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