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Alden Grey's body is laying on the snow. A sign with the word "TRAITOR" is posted on a beam behind him. Alden is staring upwards, lifelessly.

Jon is kneeling beside sobbing and looking defeated. Jorah and Davos walks outside onto the balcony and sees Jon and walks towards him

Davos: What's wrong, Jon?

Jorah: Jon.....

Jon: They killed him.

Jorah and Davos moves their eyes and runs down the steps running towards Alden's body

Jorah: ALDEN, NO!!!!

He runs towards his brother and kneels down beside his brother's body. Other brothers approaches, Edd and Pyp are with them. They stop in their tracks when they lay eyes on Alden's body

Pyp: No.


They run up behind Davos as Jorah takes his brother's body placing his head in his lap.

Pyp: Ser Jorah, let us.....

Jon: Jorah, let us.

Jon, Pyp, and Edd lifts up Alden's body and carries him away. A defeated and broken Jorah stands up and follows them. Davos stares the blood in the snow.


Edd wipes the table clean as Jon, Pyp and the other brothers lays Alden's body on the table. Edd places his hand over the wound. Alden's eyes are closed. Jorah leans against the wall not taking his eyes off Alden's body.

Edd: Thorne did this.

Davos: How many of your brothers do you think you can trust?

Jon: Trust? The men in this room.

Jorah leaps up off the wall and walks forward towards the table.

Jorah: We need all the help we can get.

Davos: Jorah's right.

As Pyp moves towards the door, someone knocks on the other side. Everyone takes out their blades.

Melisandre: Ser Davos?

Jon looks at Davos who nods. Everyone sheathes their swords. Pyp walks to the door and opens it. Melisandre enters, Pyp closes the door behind her. Melisandre is shocked at the sight of Alden's body

Melisandre: I saw him in the flames. Fighting at Backton's Keep. Leading the charge

Jorah and Davos frowns in confusion exchanging a look

Jon: What does that mean?

Davos: What are you talking about, Melisandre? He's gone

Melisandre caresses Alden's face

Melisandre: He is the Prince who was promised. He is Aelor Targaryen, the True Heir to the Iron Throne

All the Night's Watch goes wide eyed in shock as Edd and Pyp share a look

Edd: Seven Hells.

Pyp: Holy fuck.

Davos: W-what?


Alden appears in what appears to a corridor of the Red Keep. He looks around confused.

Alde: What the hell? Where am I?

He turns around seeing the entrance to the Throne Room, he hears chattering and talking coming from the other side of the door

He slowly walks closer to the door and throws the doors open. The people in the room stops talking and looks at him.

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