Chapter 30

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        I felt rushed today as me and Finn had signings, him with a match and me with a reasonable and safe promo for Colby,Joe and Jon.  We dropped Fetu off at daycare for the first time. At the signings Finn and I bumped into my brothers. "Oh hey Josh nice to see you around," I said while quickly autographing something for a child. Once we finished we headed back onto the road in Detroit.

        "Can we stop to get something to eat with my brothers," I asked as Finn pulled into  the nearest Subway. My brothers car pulled up next ours as we all went inside and ordered our food. While waiting for the food I said,"Josh, Jonathan and Joseph you guys are going to be uncles again." Josh smiled and made sure to give me an extra gentle hug. Jonathan and Joseph did the exact same thing. 

        Once our food came we sat in silence and ate. My brain was running like crazy with all the stupid thoughts and possibilities of Finn running away again. "Sis you okay," Josh asked breaking me out of my thought process. "Yeah never better," I replied lying through my teeth like I usually do. After awhile the bill came circling around and as per usual we all fought over who was going to pay for the meal. Jonathan ended up winning the battle by bolting up to cash with his debit card already in hand.

        Once I was outside, I decided to head towards the park by myself.  I had no clue of what to do our deal with my situation. I mean I love the man with all my heart and all but what if Joseph was right what if he leaves again. I don't wanna second guess our marriage but I just don't want  to lose him again. 

        My thoughts must've been getting to me as I didn't realize Finn was sitting right next to me. The same tears and heartbreak fell down my face as when I found out about when he cheated on me. "Baby girl I don't want you to worry anymore. I promise I will never leave . Plus Josh would probably kill me if I hurt you again," Finn said cuddling me close to his chest.  "Why did you do it in the first place anyways," I asked while he gently wiped my tears away with his hands. "Adrianna at the time I really believed what everyone else was saying. I believed you deserve someone better than me. But then I realized when I had cheated on you I realized how much you love me and how much I love you," Finn said helping me up to my feet.

        We walked back to the car and realized we had to go pick up Fetu before Smackdown tonight. Once we got the daycare I went inside to pick him up. "Mummy. I miss you," Fetu cried as he ran over to me. The young daycare instructor smiled at me and my son and pulled me aside to talk to me. "Umm Mrs.Balor your son had a surprise visitor today. I don't know the man but he gave Fetu these notes to give to you," she said while passing me his bag with the notes inside. "Thank you very much ma'am but me and Fetu best be getting home now," I replied. 

        I put Fetu in car as I opened the bag of notes. "Babe what are those," Finn asked. I took a deep breath in and replied,"Finn I am not exactly sure who is behind this but they brought all this stuff to the daycare and now I'm really flipping out because god knows who it would be."  Finn noticed the stress coming off my voice so he took me to the arena early to talk with Paul.

        We held Fetu's hands and knocked on Paul's office door. "Come in," he said in a monotone voice. I breathed in gripping my son's hand tighter as we walked into the office. "What brings you guys here," Paul asked. "Well a couple of things actually. First of all I can no longer wrestle do to another one on the way and is there anything you could do about Dominik's weird letters and strangely targeting my son," I said a little to quickly. "Adrianna breathe. Tonight Dominik has a match against Colby for this and you are to be ringside with Jon. And about the letters I will be having a talk with him.As for now you need to stay around The Shield until I can suspend Dominik for laying a hand on you tonight," Paul explained his plan.

        "Sounds like a gd plan to me just be careful out their babe," Finn said protectively. I smiled as Fetu was sitting with Stephanie on the couch fast asleep. I picked him up in my arms and headed towards The Shield's locker room with him. "Hey you two. Did Paul explain about tonight," Joe asked. "Yeah he did. Jon and Colby are with me tonight. Also Joe would you mind staying with Finn and Fetu tonight," I asked as he quickly nodded. He ran over to me and placed me in a tight hug. "Hey be careful of my pregnant wife," Finn said as everyone gasped.  Even Colby and Jon ran over to hug me very gently of course. The show was about to start and our promo was the first thing on air so I kissed Finn and Fetu and left with Jon and Colby.

        At the entrance point I felt a little bit of worry because I was suppose to let Dominik hit me in the face while Jon and Colby dealt with Damian. Our music blared through the arena  with cheering fans. Seth and Dean both helped me over the barricade as we rolled inside the ring. I started the promo off by saying,"Wow Dominik you have the guts to target my son but don't have the guts to come face to face. Sadly due to health issues I can't compete for the next several months but the Hounds of Justice will not be taking any of your shit."  "Yeah so Dominik and Damian get your asses out here if your not scared," Seth said into the mic.

        Their music started to play as Damian said," Well you see you guys might call yourself the Hounds of Justice but you haven't ended this feud until we fight inside of Wargames." Seth and Dean said,"Fine then find yourself a few more people and we will see you at Survivor Series." They nodded as they both ran down to the ring knocking Seth and Dean out of it.

         I was left alone in the ring with Dominik as he raised his fist and punched me in the face. That's when I noticed Fetu running down with Finn not far behind. He climbed up onto the apron as  he said,"Mummy hurt. Leave her alone." Dominik stood there and laughed until Finn knocked him out of the ring and helped me back up to my feet. The all of the sudden Finn said,"Hey Shield I know Wargames are five on five and  there will only be three of you so I will help out." Dean and Seth nodded as they all shook hands and we climbed out of the ring and headed backstage. 

        "Holy hell don't ever do that again young man," Joe scolded while he picked Fetu up in a safe but tight hug. "Sorry uncle Joe," Fetu said as Joe glared at me. "Adrianna you know I hate that," he said chasing after me.  I headed towards Josh and Jonathan's locker room as they said,"Joe breathe man leave the pregnant lady alone." We all started laughing as Finn, Colby, Jon and Fetu finally caught up with us. "Baby lets go back to the hotel so we can put Fetu to bed," Finn said with a little bit of concern. I nodded back as everyone else quickly grabbed their bags and followed us. 

        At the hotel me and Finn carried Fetu and ourbags up to the reserved room. I unlocked the door as Finn laid Fetu softly down in his bed. "Night baby boy," we said at the exact same time. I went and finished getting ready for be as Finn walked in to brush his teeth.  Once we both laid our heads down on our pillow we were out like a light.

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