Chapter 12

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                                (Adrianna's pov)

                I woke up laying beside Finn as my phone rang. "Hello... Who is it," I said as I ran to the bathroom to be sick. "Hi Adrianna. It's Sika I just wanna tell you something," Sika said as I put him on speaker. "What is it," I said while cooking breakfast. "Ya see Joe has resigned his duty as Tribal Chief and I was wondering if you want to be  the new Tribal Chief," he said while I almost dropped the hot frying pan on the cupboard. "Yes I will. I will lead the way for everyone including Joe," I said as Sika congratulated me. 

        A few moments later there was a knock at the door as I decided to go answer it. To my shock Joe was standing there and he asked,"Adrianna I know your pissed off still but I have came to congratulate you in the pregnancy. Also can we please talk?" I gulped as I prepared an extra plate of breakfast for Joe. "What do you want now," I said while Finn came behind me and gave me a big hug. "Adrianna I want to apologize for the hell I put you and Finn through. It wasn't right for me to treat you like you were a puppet. Remember our match a month ago well on my behalf if I was disqualified I had to give away the Tribal Chief role to you," he said while Finn sat down beside me. "Joe I understand but why now. Why couldn't you just be happy for me like everyone  else. Plus don't get mad but I am a month pregnant," I said as Joe's jaw dropped.

        "Wow congratulations Uce and who knows about this," he asked. "Really just myself, Josh, you and Finn," I said while picking all the plates up.  "Joe look I'm sorry to myself. I just grew to hate you even more since you hurt Adrianna," Finn said as he shook Joe's hand. Now I started to feel bad as Jonathan and Josh texted me.

Josh- Hey sis how are you doing and is Joe there?

 Jonathan- My Tribal chief is the plan still up for now?

 Me- No Joe apologized and he has fallen in line.

 Jonathan and Josh- Okay!

Me- Well get your asses over here so we can celebrate!

Josh- Fine we are coming!

   (End of text messages)

        I was excited as Finn pulled me aside away from Joe and said, "Wait does that mean were done. No more you and me." "Finn my life isn't complete without you and you are our honorary Uce no matter what," I said as I kissed the corner of his lips. 

         My brothers knocked as Joe let them in. "My tribal chief," Jonathan said as I felt like I was going to be sick again. "Are you okay Uce," Josh asked as I nodded my head but at the same time ran to the bathroom for the eighth time this morning. "Here let me help you," Finn said while holding my hair out of my face. I heard Josh knock on the bathroom door and I decided to let him in. "Sis you should see if the doctor can't give you anything for the nausea. Plus I kinda... maybe.... sort of told Jonathan," Josh said as I slapped his arm. "Congrats to you and Finn Uce. Does mom and dad know? Now what about Judgement Day," Jonathan asked as I sat on Finn's lap. "Well you see Finn will join with us on T.V since that is what Paul wants. Mom and dad don't know yet but I was going to the hospital today to tell them, " I said while packing the gym bag so I could go see my parents and get back on the road to Pensacola.

        "Hey mom and dad I got some news to tell you," I said as I walked into dad's hospital room. "What's up sweetheart," my mom and dad said. I took a big gulp as I rolled the words,"I'm pregnant." My mom hugged me as dad called me to come closer so he could hug me.  "Congratulations sweetheart. And your dad is getting better he will need some rehab on his leg though," mom said as I gave her a samoan hug. Finn came in as well and gave both my parents hugs as Josh, Jonathan, Joe, Joseph came into the room. "I knew it! You are fucking pregnant and you lied to me," Joseph said as he raised his hand. "Joseph Fatu! Grow a set of balls. You know your dad is sick so why here. And your sister is happy let her be. Oh by the way you take orders from her she is the new Tribal Chief," my mom said as I backed up closer to my dad.

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