Chapter 20

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         After I said my goodbyes I told Finn I was taking fetu with me to talk with Paul. He nodded as he kissed me goodbye. "Remember our deal," he whispered before letting me go.  I nodded as me and Jonathan hopped in his car with Fetu and went to the hotel. 

Me - Hey Paul on my way to talk to you.

Paul- Okay that's good and bring the little one so I can meet him. 

 Me- Already done. 

(End of text messages)

        We pulled up to the hotel as I carried Fetu inside with me. Jonathan followed as we climbed the stairs to room 256. "Are you nervous," Jonathan asked. I nodded as he knocked on the door.  "Come in, " I heard Paul say. I opened the door as he motioned me to come sit down in the lounge. "Umm what did you need Paul, " I asked while being a little bit nervous. Jonathan rubbed my back trying to signal me to calm down. "Well Adrianna I called you here to see if you would like to be put into a feud with Austin Theory," he asked as I nodded. "Yeah I guess I could do it," I said while Steph held Fetu.  "Well you will even become the US champ at summerslam," Paul said as I jumped excitedly.

        We left the hotel as we headed back to my parents house as Josh and Finn were packing my stuff up to get ready to move into our new apartment. "So sis you are really moving from home," Jonathan asked as he kept driving. I nodded as Fetu cried for his pacifier so I decided to reach in the diaper bag and grab it.  Jonathan glared at me as he worried because he knows how dangerous Theory is inside the ring. "Don't worry Jonathan I will be fine. It's not like I haven't done something like this before," I said trying to reassure him. 

        We got back to my parents house as Josh came out running and he said, "God sis where the hell have you been? I've been looking for you two." "Relax Josh I had to go see Paul. He wanted to talk to me about a new rival before Summerslam," I said trying to calm him down. He nodded as Finn came out and took Fetu inside. "Sweetheart how far are you moving," my dad asked as Josh nodded agreeing with him. "Dad, Josh, Mom, Jonathan and Joseph I will only be a half hour drive away. We decided to get an apartment right here in San Francisco," I said making sure they understood. Joseph came up to me and gave me a tight hug. This has been my first hug from him in months.

        "Alright y'all it's getting late. Off to sleep everyone," my mom said as me and Finn put Fetu in his bassinet in the old nursery that was still decorated from when Joseph was a baby.  We left the nursery and went back to my room as Finn said, "Ready to pick up on where we left off?" I nodded as I pulled Finn down onto the bed. I think you know what happens next.

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