Chapter 31

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        Tonight was Wargames and I was a nervous wreck. Not only was Finn competing but they would have to go up against some of the most legendary people in the business. "Baby stop worrying about me tonight please," Finn said trying to comfort me. "Finn you are going to be locked in a cell with Damian, Dominik, Randy Orton, Riddle and Karrion Kross," I said trying to calm down before getting Fetu from his bed. "Sweetheart your almost 3 months pregnant and the stress isn't good for you and the baby. Please calm down or I'm calling Josh to come calm you down," Finn replied.

        I sighed rolling out of bed picking Fetu up and sliding him into the bathtub. Once he was all dressed I sat him in his high chair for breakfast.  Finn made some cereal for him while I went and took a shower. I hadn't realized how long I was in the shower until Finn asked,"Princess are you alright you've been in there for at least 20 minutes? If your not in 5 I'm calling Josh." 

        I walked out of the bathroom as I saw Josh sitting with Finn and Fetu on the couch. "Adrianna Fatu what the hell is going on. Finn called me worried sick about you," Josh said with a huge amount of concern in his voice. "Josh calm down I'm fine.  I can't stop worrying about tonight and about Finn's safety inside Wargames," I replied trying to stop my tears from coming down my face.  Josh hugged me and cuddled me until my breathing returned to normal. "Mummy princesses don't cry,"Fetu said once again sounding more serious than the last time. Josh looked awe-struck by what Fetu said knowing it was a quote uncle Eddie used to make me feel better when I was sad.

        Finn took a deep breath and said,"Adrianna do you think Colby, Jon, Joe and Josh would let anything happen to me." I looked over at Josh thanking him for coming over and making sure I was okay. "See you later sis," Josh said leaving the room so Finn could talk to me in private. "Baby how is the little peanut today," he asked looking down at my stomach. "Oh little peanut has been great no morning sickness today," I replied while fetu put his head on my stomach.

        Once we got heading to the arena in Philadelphia I noticed my phone had a few text messages from  Jon.

Jon- Hey Adrianna how have you and peanut been?

Me- We've been great getting Finn ready for the big match tonght.

Jon- Yeah well you are to stay locked in the locker room please!

Me- Yeah I know with jonathan and Joseph.

Jon- Okay glad you got it! Cya!

Me- Bye.

        Finn and I met up with the rest of them at the arena as Joe went over every strategy for the match. I got bored so I decided to sit on Finn's lap and cuddle into his chest. "Babe you comfy because I am," he whispered in my ear as Joe glared at us. Once he was finished they all got into their outfits for the match. 

        I couldn't help but check Finn out. His abs stuck out more than a sore thumb with the dark black cargo pants that held his waist perfectly. "Enjoying the view princess," Finn asked as I began nodding. Everyone laughed at me causing me to laugh with them. Finn reached over and kissed mine and Fetu's head before leaving with Joe, Colby, Jon and Josh. Jonathan turned on the T.V so we could watch the match and hopefully no one gets hurt.

        Once the match started I realized Dominik and Damian taunting the cameras on purpose. "Sis don't you move a foot out of this room. They are teasing you Finn and the rest of them will whoop their asses," Jonathan said quietly making sure not to wake Fetu.  I noticed Finn stand at the very top of the cage and I knew exactly what he was going to do. "God I swear this man is trying to give me a heart attack," I said as Finn did a crossbody from the top of the steel cage. 

        The match went on for over 30 minutes with Finn and Randy throwing right hands at each other. Seth did join in with him and together they knocked Randy down for the three count. I jumped with joy hearing the ring announcer declare them the winners.  I couldn't wait until Finn got back so I could squeeze him and probably hit him for nearly giving me a heart attack.

        Joe knocked on the door as I flung my arms around Finn hugging him with all my strength. "You ever do something like that again and you won't get any for a year," I whispered into his ear so no one else would hear. Josh hugged me to as he realized Fetu fell asleep before the match even started. "Huh little man must've been tired," Josh commented while everyone else was packing up their stuff. "Well we best be going see you guys at the next hotel or whatever comes first," I said while Finn picked Fetu up along with our bags.

        As we pulled up to the hotel I felt the baby kick for the first time.  Finn smiled at me while I was holding my stomach. Finn left me in the car as he took Fetu and laid him down in bed. Then he came back out to get me and picked  me up bridal  style and carried me inside. He laid me down in the bed while he went and made sure  Fetu's light was plugged in his room. Once he laid down i put my head on his chest and said,"Finn I love you so much." "Baby girl I love you more," he replied as I close my eyes and fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

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