Chapter 32

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             (skip 5 months)

        It has been a while since Finn made me go back to San Francisco for the rest of the pregnancy because of the stress and traveling of the job. "Mummy watch Paw Patrol with me," Fetu cried as I turned on the flatscreen in the living room and snuggled up with him on the couch. I knew Finn would be calling soon to check on us but for now I was enjoying the cuddles with my son. "Hey baby," I said putting Finn on video so Fetu could see him. "Daddy," Fetu cried as he started to jump up and down. "Be careful buddy," Finn said in concern as he noticed my facial expression of pain. Fetu sat back down and looked at his dad and said,"When will you be home?" Finn looked at me and then said,"I am catching the next flight home. I should be there in a few hours."

        I smiled as we both said goodbye and hoped for the best. I started to get shooting pains in my stomach as Josh texted me.

Josh- Hey sis come quick dad is in the hospital again.

Me- What! I'll be right there.

Josh- Be safe please.

Me- I will.

 (end of text messages)

        After I seen the messages from Josh I turned to Fetu and put on his sweat pants and long sleeve shirt so we could get on the road. "Mummy where are we going," Fetu asked as I hooked him into his toddlers seat. "Buddy we going to see grampy in the hospital," I replied while the engine roared to life.

        Once we got to the hospital I immediately went to see my dad while handing Fetu over to my mom. She smiled at me worryingly knowing that I was due any day now.  "Dad are you okay," I asked entering his room. Josh was right beside me as he replied,"Sis they had to put dad in a coma due to his injuries. He may or may not wake up again." My own tears ran down my face faster than I could count as Josh noticed a pile of water under me.

        "Can I get a nurse in here? My sister is due any day now and her water just broke," Josh said panickingly. Nurses came with a wheelchair and sat me down as Jonathan got on the phone with Finn. "Come lady you're  almost there just one more push the nurse acknowledge. "Alright here is baby number one and baby number two," the doctor said showing them to me. I smiled hoping Finn would be here soon so he could know what I named them.

        "Umm before you rest could you fill out these papers for your babies," the nurse asked as I took them from her hand.  Finn walked into the room not to long later and helped me come up with the twins names. Once I handed the nurse back the papers she brought Liam and Luni into the room. "Aww they are so adorable," Finn said cuddling Luni close to his chest. 

        After awhile Josh came upstairs with Fetu so he could meet his new siblings. "Anything new on dad," I asked while Fetu climbed up beside me. "Sis I'm sorry but dad is dead due to his injuries," Josh replied with tears rolling down his face. Fetu cuddled close to me as my tears started to run down my face. Jonathan and mom appeared in the doorway realizing that Josh had just told me.

        "Finn could you take Fetu to go get something to eat while I talk with my family," I asked and he nodded straight away leading Fetu to the cafeteria. "I know it is probably not the right time to ask but what did you name the twins," Joseph asked hoping I wouldn't tear his head off. "My baby girl's name is Luni Lynn Balor and my baby boy's name is Liam Joseph  Balor," I replied while Jonathan held Liam. 

        The nurse came in a few moments later and asked if there was anything she could do and I responded with,"How about letting me out of the hospital early for my dad's funeral tomorrow." She nodded quickly bringing in all the discharge papers for me. My brothers looked at me with disbelief as they knew I had my ways of not having to stay in hospitals long. 

        When Finn got back with fetu I told him the great news and he went to grab the carseats for the twins. I went to get dressed and pack all my toiletries back in the diaper back as Josh hugged me. "If you need anything sis don't forget to call me. It doesn't matter what time it is I will always be there for you, the children and Finn," Josh said while buckling in Luni.

Once we got back to the house Josh and Joseph stayed with us to help set up cribs. "Sorry for asking you guys but I couldn't do it all on my own while Finn was away," I apologized. Josh hugged me along with Joseph as Finn had just put Fetu to bed. Once they finished setting up the cribs I made us all a quick salad for supper. "Thanks sis," Joseph said as he devoured the salad.

        They left knowing we had an early morning and a lot to prepare before the funeral. Finn laid Luni down in her crib as I did the same with Liam. I kissed them both goodnight and turned to Finn with a smile on my face. "Hey baby you won't have to do anything alone not even tomorrow," Finn promised. I smiled back before getting myself ready for bed. I dreaded sending the one text to the whole family as I knew it was no or never.

Me- Hey everyone! Been a long time since we all been together. Tomorrow will be the Funeral service for my dad. You are all welcome to come.

Joe- Yeah I'll be there for you cousin no matter what.

Sika and Afa- We'll be there too.

(end of text messages)

I shut my phone off and cuddled up with an already sleeping Finn. I made sure I had Formula, bottles and towels ready for whenever I wake up, but for now I am heading off to dreamland. "Night baby," were the last words I heard out of Finn's mouth before falling asleep cuddled close to his chest on the couch.

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