Chapter 24

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        I woke up to the sound of Fetu crying as I snuck out of bed and took him to the kitchen.  "Morning babe," Finn said as he hugged me from behind me. I pulled away as Finn noticed Fetu was hungry. "Here baby boy. Here is some baby cereal," I said as I fed him with the spoon. "Maybe if we can find a babysitter we could go out and explore Nashville," Finn said smiling as I nodded. "I can text Colby and Rebecca. They love him," I said kissing his cheek.

Me-  Hey Colby I got a question.

Colby- What's up?

Me- Could you and Rebecca watch Fetu for me for awhile?

Colby- Hell yeah we will!

 Me- Okay bring him over to your room in 5.

  Colby- Okay!

     (End of text messages)

        "So do we have a babysitter," Finn asked as he already had Fetu's bag packed. I nodded as I changed Fetu into his paw patrol clothes with a Shield sweater over it.  Once we got to the hotel room I hugged Fetu goodbye and gave him to Colby and I said,"Thank you so much Colbs and Becca appreciate it." They both nodded as we left the room.

        "So where are we going," I asked as Finn smirked.  "How about the park," he said as I nodded. Finn knew that I loved the park even before we started dating. Once we got to the park I looked at all the beautiful scenery. "Babe are you okay," Finn asked. "Yeah I'm fine just lost in thought," I said trying not to lie to him. 

        "Princess why don't you tell me what's wrong," Finn said while we walked. "Babe I'm just worried about Fetu that's all. Nothing else," I said lying through my teeth. I couldn't let him know what I had found out. He did something I just couldn't say in public. I wanted to ask him but I knew he wouldn't answer me. "Babe stop lying to me. Now what is going on," he said in a rather firm voice. "Are you cheating on me," I asked as he looked shocked. "Why would I. You are everything to me and.....Uhh.....Fine.....I........did.......once," Finn confessed. 

        Once he admitted to it I ran far away from him with tears running down my face.  I ran the whole entire  mile back to the hotel as I knocked on Colby's hotel room door. "Hey where's Fetu Colbs," I said whipping my tears away.  "Woah calm down. What's going on," Colby said handing me Fetu and his stuff.  I ran off after grabbing Fetu and went to the hotel room to grab my stuff.  Colby knocked on the door but I ignored him. "Adrianna please tell me what's wrong. Please," Colby said worryingly. 

        I pushed past Colby and ran to my brothers room as I asked, "Josh can I stay here with you guys until I figure shit out?" He nodded as he helped me putting my stuff in the corner. "Sis what's going on," he asked as I broke down into to tears again. "Josh.....He......Ch.....Eat...Ed.... on me," I said as he pulled me close.  Josh had that glare in his eyes as if he was going to kill him.  "You caught him," Josh asked. I shook my head back and forth. "No I didn't found it on his phone and now he admitted me  to my face. God I feel so stupid for falling in love with him," I said as I hugged Fetu close to my chest.

        As me and Josh were talking we heard a knock on the door as Josh went to answer. "Please just let me talk to her," Finn said as I sighed. "Josh take Fetu to see Joe and give me and this fuckhead sometime alone to talk," I said as Josh rolled his eyes.  

        "What do you want from me," I said as Josh just closed the door. "Look I didn't mean to cheat on you. I love you and my son a lot but I'm really sorry," he said as he started pleading. "Why should I take pity for you. You fucking cheated on me and I had to find out myself. No I can't forgive you. Sorry but you can stay away from me and our son and here is your stupid ring," I said as I walked away. "Please one more chance," Finn said as I slapped him. "If you want me back then prove it to me," I said before slapping him in the face.

        I ran to Joe's room as he was holding Fetu and he said,"Adrianna don't worry. Just calm down and think about what is best for you and Fetu." I nodded as I looked at my son. I didn't want him not to have his dad. I really did want him to have his father.  Joe was right I needed to clear my mind. 

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