Chapter 29

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        It's been 3 months and we have finally been able to sleep in our own room in our apartment. I smiled at Finn holding me tight until I felt this unsettling feeling in my stomach. "Be right back babe," I said rushing to the bathroom as fast as my legs could manage. Finn came in shortly after as he held my hair out of my face for me. "You alright Babe," Finn asked but before I could answer another wave fell upon me. Once I had finished I smiled up at Finn to let him know I was okay but he didn't seem to believe me.

        "Adrianna you're not okay. I'll make a doctors appointment for you and we will go to it," Finn demanded. I rolled my eyes at him as Fetu began to cry. I got up off the bathroom floor and went into his room to pick him up. "Mummy sick," Fetu asked with concern in his tiny little voice. "Morning to you to baby boy," I replied as I was thinking about what Josh said a while ago.

        While Finn and I prepared breakfast I sat Fetu on the couch and put his favorite Paw Patrol episode on the T.V. He was singing along with the friendship song as the smell of eggs lingered to my nose. "I'll be right back," I said running off to the bathroom for the second this morning.  Finn shook his head as he decided to stop cooking eggs for my sake.  I brushed my teeth so I could get the nauseated smell off my breath before kissing Finn.

        While him and Fetu ate breakfast I got on the phone with the family doctor and he told me to come in at 2:00. "Okay see you at 2:00 then doc," I said hanging up the phone and quickly jotting the time down on the calendar. I sighed looking at the time to my shock it was already 12:00 in the afternoon.  "Hey Finn I already called mom and dad and they said they would watch Fetu for me while we go to the appointment," I said while Fetu's face lit up like a firework. "Grammy, Grampy. Yay," he cried jumping up and down. 

        I went and packed everything they would need for the next couple of hours. "Okay I'm ready to go," I said as Finn had Fetu all dressed in a pair of jeans and T-shirt.  I smiled while locking the door behind me making sure nobody would get in.  Once Fetu was all situated we started to go to my parents house.

        Once we got there I unbuckled Fetu and sat him down on the ground letting him run up to the door. "Knock buddy," Finn said grabbing ahold of my waist. My mother answered the door and swung Fetu up in her arms. "Hey mom thanks for today," I said handing her his bag of stuff. She nodded while Fetu gave me a hug and kiss goodbye. We hopped back into the car and headed to the doctors office.

        "Babe what if I'm pregnant again? You already ran away once on me are you going to do it again," I asked as we sat at a red light in silence. "Baby girl I don't want you to think like that. I promise this time I ain't leaving your side even if you're not pregnant," Finn said as we pulled into the parking lot.  I sighed hopping out of the car and heading inside. "Mrs. Balor," the doctor called as he had caught my attention. I walked back to the check-up room as Finn gripped my hand to make sure I was alright. 

        The doctor did a few test before he had a full diagnosis for me. "Mrs. Balor you are 2 months pregnant," the doctor explained.  A small tear strayed down my face as Finn held me close to his chest while we left. Once we got to the car Finn said,"Baby girl can you not cry. I swear on my grave I will stay here for you just like I told you when we first started dating."  I smiled looking down at my phone and seeing all the pictures of Fetu and mom on Instagram.  Finn smiled at the pictures before we started the drive to my parents house.

        "Mummy's here," Fetu cried while watching us from the window. "Hey buddy. You better have been good for granny. Be careful of mummy's tummy," Finn said with a huge smile stretching across his face. Fetu's face looked concerned as I asked,"Is it alright if we come in for a second?" My mom nodded and led us to the living room where dad still sat in his recliner that we got him when I was a little child. "Dad you should really get a new recliner," I joked with mom laughing at me.  "Anyways lets get to the serious stuff. Mom. Dad. We got another little one joining us in 7 months," I said as my mom and dad hugged me.

        Me and Finn decided to spend the rest of the day with my parents since we had no any place better to be.  While we ate dad remarked,"Watch and see it will be twins." "Dad can we not joke about that," I replied back knowing the possibility of twins in our family. Finn smiled and started rubbing my leg while I fed Fetu his potatoes and pork. Mom smiled at me as i washed the dishes and helped her clean up before we left.

        Once we got to the apartment I carried Fetu inside and laid him down in his crib. Finn shut the light out and plugged his favorite night light in before we shut the door to his room. Finn picked me up and carried me bridal style to bed. We laid there as I leaned over to kiss him and then things got pretty heated from there.

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