Chapter 14

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        (Skip a few hours)

        I was nervous as I came closer to the gorilla as Josh and Jonathan were about to head out with me. "Sis you ready to tell the world and help us call out the NXT tag champions," Jonathan said as I nodded. We walked down to the ring with Sikoa following behind us. "Hey WWE universe I got some good and bad news," I said while the crowd cheered. "I'm pregnant and won't be here taking names and kicking ass like always. But that doesn't matter my brothers will still be here taking names and kicking ass and that is including the NXT tag team champions Gallus. Be prepared to lose those titles soon," I said before being cut off by their music.

        "Woah you are a fine one to talk little girl. Hiding behind your brothers. Like come on you aren't the only one to sleep yourself to the top like your brother Jimmy," Wolfgang said as Jonathan held me back from attacking them. "Woah Uce we don't sleep ourselves to the top. We earned our way! And you can leave my family and my sister's fiancé out of this," Josh said while Solo removed his towel from his head. "Can I mention something about this street champ behind you. He's just at the top because of  you and your family name. You guys wouldn't be here if it wasn't for your daddy," Wolfgang said as I hopped out of the ring. 

"Talk about my dad like that again and I swear to god you won't be walking out of this arena alive," I said while approaching them. "Take one more step little girl. I dare you," Joe Coffey said. At this point I was like the devil seeing red I didn't care nothing could stop me until they lifted me in the air and hit their tag team finisher. Everything was blurry as I noticed Jey pick his mic up and say, "You little bitches you will pay for this on Tuesday at NXT." Jimmy came over to me and threw me over his shoulder and ran to the trainers room.

        "Hey Sean could you check her and the baby out before her fiance has a heart attack," Jonathan said as Finn rushed into the room. "Babe are you and the baby okay," Finn said as I shrugged my shoulders. Paul even came to check on me and he said,"Adrianna you are damn crazy! Nobody else would've done that. And Joseph you wanna match against the both of them. Then fine you got it." I gulped as the ultrasound came up on the screen and Sean said, "Adrianna and Finn the baby boy is perfectly healthy." "Oh my god we are having a boy," Finn screamed while running around the arena like a bat out of hell. I laughed as Trinity came up behind me and gave me a huge hug. "Holy Shit Trin you scared me," I said before turning around to face her. "Sorry little sis," She said while we walked to catering to join the rest of the family.

        While my brother's were getting food another one of the WWE wrestlers approached me.  "Hey wanna go on a date," La knight said as I slapped him hard across the face. "Sorry man but she's all mine," Finn said while trying not to laugh at the mark I left on Knight's face.  Josh came over as he also started laughing at LA Knight. Adam Pearce and a few other officials came over to restore some order. Joseph walked away as he was stretching for his match. "Hey Joseph watch out," I yelled as Gallus blindsided him with an attack. I wanted to get involved but Finn wouldn't let me.  Josh and Jonathan came over and got involved fist were flying as Paul and Stephanie came over. "Gallus you guys just made this match more worse for you guys as it will now be The Usos and Sikoa vs. Gallus in a two on three handicap match," Stephanie said as she made me guest referee. I rushed quickly back to my locker room to change into the referee outfit.  "Damn Babe," Finn said licking his lips causing me to blush. 

        I walked out to the ring before the match started waiting for them to hit Gallus's music. They came out with looks of possession on their face. Joe Coffey Walked up to me and said, "Now little girl we better not have any problems here." Once his chilling voice finished talking I gulped wondering what the hell did he mean. My brothers came out as me and the crowd of Pensacola raised our ones for them. They crawled in the ring as I whispered to Jey what Coffey said to me. Jey and Jimmy rolled their eyes as Sikoa and Coffey started. SIkoa was getting the upper hand until Wolfgang was tagged in and they cornered him. I was at a count of 4 and a half before they decided to get off. Sikoa did start getting back in the match and tagged in Jey.

            (Skip most of the match)

                Jimmy had finally got tagged in as he and Jey had hit the 1D and I got down and they got the count of three. "And your winners of this match The Bloodline," Lilian Garcia said as I raised their hands. Coffey came closer to me as I slipped in behind Jey. "You stupid bitch you counted to fast," Coffey said while he attempted to punch me in the face but hit Sikoa. Sikoa was pissed as he Samoan spiked him as Wolfgang rolled his partner out and retreated. We walked backstage as we all decided to go to Afa and Sika's for the night. As we walked in they both bowed before me. They gave Finn a hug as well while Patricia (Joe's mother) helped me set a room up for me and Finn. Finn looked around before we all went to bed. He noticed all the Samoan writing and asked me what it meant I told him. Patricia helped us find our way into our room as me and Finn fell asleep snuggled tightly together.

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