Chapter 15

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                (Skip a few months)

        It has been a few months since my brothers didn't win the NXT tag team champions and Summerslam is soon about  to happen in a couple of weeks. I am currently in the hospital about to give birth to my son. "Oh my god. My water just broke," I screamed as the doctor rushed in. The next few minutes were excruciating as Finn stood beside me hoping I would release my grip soon. I saw a glimpse of my baby and he was beautiful. I fell in love with him as the doctor asked, "So what is this baby's beautiful name ?" "His name is Fetu Joshua Finn Balor," I said while Finn smiled. 

        A couple of hours went by as Josh and Jonathan came to visit me. "Hey sis what did you decide to name him," Josh managed to say before Jonathan. "Well you will have to wait until they bring me the discharge papers so I can tell the rest of the family at the family reunion.  Josh rolled his eyes as the nurse brought in my papers I needed to sign. I was glad to get out of there and let my son meet his grandparents. I picked Fetu up and changed his diaper while Finn prepared his carseat. "Me and Finn have also been thinking about and we might wanna have two receptions for both sides of the family," I said while I strapped in Fetu. 

        The car ride was quite as we pulled up my parents long driveway as Finn remembered the day that I first brought him here. I laughed as I picked Fetu carefully out of his carseat and into his stroller. He whimpered at first so I decided to give him his blanket. Finn held my hand as we both pushed Fetu into the house. "Welcome home," mom said as I looked to see our whole family there. There was one person not there though but I knew he was always there in my heart.  Takecia (Josh's wife) came over with her two sons Jeyce and Jaciyah and gave me a hug. Galina and Joe's five kids also came over and gave me a hug. Finn snuck Fetu out of the way while I was swarmed with hugs.
  "So what did you name him," Josh said impatiently. "Okay if everyone would sit down I would say it," I said while everyone rushed to the living room. "Mine and Finn's son's name is Fetu Joshua Finn Balor," I said while Finn passed him to me. My mom and dad came over as I handed Josh his nephew.  He sat down with him as Finn noticed I was quite protective of our son.  

        It was almost time for supper as  my brothers had finally handed me back my son. I smiled as I took him to the bathroom to feed him. Finn came in as he was still a little nervous around my family. "Babe are you okay. You look like you just shit out a ton of bricks," I said as Finn sighed. "Adrianna I feel out of place and it just doesn't feel right. It's like someone here is missing," he said as I thought of my uncle Eddie. "Finn that presence you feel missing is Uncle Eddie (Umaga). We haven't had a family gathering since he died but my family loves you and trust me if we have time off next week we will head to your parents house so they can see him to," I said as I thought about how much I missed my uncle.  We walked out and into the dining room with Fetu who was currently sleeping. We prayed in Samoan as I helped FInn with pronunciation. Once we opened our eyes we started to eat as Dwayne asked, "Hey Adrianna how is the Finn thing going?" "Dwayne it's great as we are engaged soso (samoan for idiot)," I said while everyone laughed at our little cousin fight. 

        I was waiting for everyone to finish eating as Fetu started to cry. "Hey baby boy it's okay. Shhhh. Please buddy," I said soothingly while he wouldn't stop crying. I walked and cradled him around the house as Josh came over to help me. "Here sis let me try," he said while I passed Fetu to him. Josh sat down in the old rocking chair as he sung a Samoan lullaby to him as he suddenly stopped crying.  Josh said," Sis I used to do the same thing with you. He just needed a lullaby." I nodded as Josh handed him back to me as I put him back into his stroller. My father looked at me as he said, "Adrianna dear you are a great mom don't beat yourself up for having to be shown something. Your mon was shown a lot by your grandparents and my brothers." I sighed as I sat back down as my phone buzzed. I walked away from the table wondering who was texting me.

 Joe Coffey- Hey bitch! I hope you didn't forget what you did because you are going to pay when you step your foot into that arena and that includes your fiance.

   Me- Fuck off and leave me and my family alone. God your so unstable. You even dare to touch Finn and I swear to god you won't be alive once I'm done. 

 Joe Coffey- Oh what is a poor little girl going to do? Huh! I beat your brothers and you are next whether your pregnant or not see you at NXT. Deal!

  Me- Fine you've got yourself a deal. And just to prove something to you I will come to NXT alone.

     (End of text messages)

        I threw my phone at the table as Finn noticed something was wrong. "Babe what is it," he asked. "Oh just that stupid freaking Joe Coffey from work he wants a match on NXT and I need to go alone or something bad will happen to you," I said while mom came over and hugged me. I noticed Jonathan's hand clench as Josh said, "Uce they won't hurt you or Finn and the baby. I will make sure of that. Fetu is my nephew and Finn is my brother so they are family and family protects family." I got up and hugged him as Dwayne came over and said,"They said you need to come alone huh. They wouldn't know I'm there for you if I am there to watch Simone (Ava Raine). I could help you without them realizing that we are family." "Dwayne you can still go for Simone but I wanna deal with this on my own," I said as we all pitched into helping clean off the table.
        My mom noticed it was getting late as most of the family has started to leave. "You guys wanna stay here for the night," my mom asked as Finn nodded. Joseph came over and gave me a hug while Finn held Fetu close to his chest. I gave Josh my car keys as he went outside to grab the bassinet for my son. "Hey sis don't worry about Gallus. You have dealt with people like them before and I will gladly watch as you kick Joe Coffey's ass," Jonathan whispered in my ear as I laughed.

        It was almost midnight as Josh finally finished setting up the bassinet as Finn layed Fetu down in it. I gave mom and dad a hug goodnight as Finn and my dad talked about something. I was excited to sleep in my own bed again as it has almost been a year since I have been last home. "Night babe," Finn said as he rolled closer to me as we fell asleep.

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