Chapter 36

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          I escaped the grasp of Finn's arms so I could make sure the twins were okay. "Babe your therapist will be here soon," Finn said reminding me of the pain of having to talk to someone about my problems. I nodded before taking Fetu, Luni, and Liam into the living room. "Mummy Paw Patrol," Fetu said grabbing my leg. I quickly put it on fo him then afterwards I put the twins in their playpens. I quickly went into the kitchen and started to make breakfast for Finn and the kids.

        All of the sudden, I heard a knock at the door. Finn went over and answered it and I nearly dropped the plate on the floor when I noticed it was Josh that Finn wanted me to talk to. "Josh," I screamed running over top him and hugging him. "Hey sis I hear you are going a little bit insane without me," Josh said in a near dead serious tone. "Look I'm sorry but can we not talk about this in front of the kids please," I said while Finn attended to Luni and Liam. Josh nodded before yelling,"Don't worry Finn I'll have her back soon." 

        Once we got outside to the car Josh turned dead serious and I knew I was about to get another lecture once more. "Sis what the hell is going on with you? You haven't really aten anything and now you're barely even sleeping," Josh said trying to keep himself calm knowing how bad it scares me when people get angry with me. "Josh calm down. I know I look like hell but I just can't get over dad's death," I said holding back my tears.

        The car ride was silent until I realized Josh had stopped at a local park so we could finish our little talk. "Sis I know you miss dad a lot but you have to pull yourself together. You're kids and husband need you as well as your brothers. Jonathan has been falling apart and so haven't I. We need to know you're going to be okay," Josh said with fresh tears running down his face. I hugged him tightly before I said,"Joshua Samuel Fatu. Don't cry and no more worrying about me I'll be fine." "You promise," he replied quickly wiping his tears before we started to walk back to the car. "Yes I promise," I said hopping into the passenger side letting him drive us to the arena.

        At the arena, Josh and I went our separate ways so  I walked into my locker room to see Finn and the kids.  "How was you day out with your brother," Finn asked me as I realized Fetu hugging my leg tightly. "Yeah I did. Thank you babe I really did need that," I said before pecking his lips. "Yeah I knew you needed that so that is why I set that up for you," he replied as Jonathan, Jon, Josh, Joseph, Joe and Colby entered my locker room. "Hey you ready for our match against L.W.O tonight," Joe said a little to loudly causing Luni to whimper. I playfully glared at him  before he stuck his tongue out at me.

        Everybody laughed at mine and Joe's little squabble before I realized Finn was standing right behind me. "Good luck out there babe," Finn said before he let me go. I smiled at him before walking out of the room with the boys. "You excited for our match," Colby asked trying to start a conversation. "Damn right I am. Can't wait to get my hands on some mexican bitches," I said back before we reach the gorilla and noticed they were standing there. I gave them all a disgust look while we waited for our match to be started.

        Our entrance theme hit first but before I went out I made sure to smack Zelina Vega hard in the face.  Her whole group of cronies looked at me with a glare before I disappeared through the curtains. "This match is for one fall and introducing first The Shield," Samantha Irwin said with a lot of enthusiasm in her voice.  Roman and Seth helped me up onto the ring while Jon was ready to start the match. "Now their opponents the Latino World Order," Samantha said sounding a little bit more bored causing me to giggle.  Santos Escobar and Jon started the match and so far Jon was getting the upper hand. Sooner or later Jon tagged me in forcing Zelina to get in the ring.

        I stared her down waiting for her to make the first move which I knew was probably going to be a step up enzuigiri. Before she could hit the enzuigiri I caught her foot and flipped her onto her back. So far we had the upper hand but that soon changed when Roman and Rey faced off in the ring together. Rey hit his signature 619 and attempted a pin on Roman. Luckily Seth got in there pretty quickly to break it up. I jumped down off of the apron until I felt something hard hit the side of my face. The next thing I heard was that we won by disqualification. I felt something cold run down the side of my face and that is when I realized someone had hit me with something sharp causing me to bleed literally everywhere.

        The pain was the worst thing I felt in my whole entire life besides childbirth. Medical personnel and my brothers surrounded me checking to make sure I was okay. Once we got backstage I was taken to the trainers room to get my face stitched up. After Sean finished I was tackled with hugs from Josh, Jonathan, Fetu, Finn and the twins. "Guys I need to breathe," I said as they all decided to release their grip on me. "Mummy got an ouchie," Fetu said showing Finn the 22 stitches in the side of my head. 

        Shortly after we left the arena and headed towards the hotel for the night. Once we got up into our room I tucked the twins and read Fetu a bedtime story. I quietly walked out of their room and went to sit down on the bed beside Finn. "Beautiful are you okay," Finn asked worryingly. "Finn I have never been better," I said placing a kiss on the side of his lips. Finn pulled me back in for another one and things escalated from there. And that is how I knew I had found the love of my life.

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