Chapter 26

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   (Skip a couple of months)

     Tonight was Hell In A Cell and my birthday. "Happy birthday babe," Finn said as he woke up beside me. Fetu would be a year old soon and tonight was going to be the best thing ever. "After the match me and The Shield boys are heading to the bar you can join if you want Josh said he would watch Fetu for as long as I wanted him to since it was my birthday," I said as Finn nodded. I also had to head to the arena early because they wanted me to have a medical assessment before the match.

        "We gotta head to the arena for our match. Well after we feed Fetu of course," I said as Fetu was waiting for his food. "Here buddy daddy will help you with your food," I said as I passed Finn his food. "Here comes the airplane," Finn said as Fetu opened his mouth. I went to change and shower as I was thinking about my match later tonight.  Once I came out Finn had Fetu all dressed and ready to go. "M...u.....m," Fetu stuttered as I was shocked . "Oh my baby mummy is so proud of you," I said hugging him and getting him ready to go.  

        One we were ready I texted Josh to let him know we were on our way. I was excited as Finn and I took the elevator up a couple more floors. Finn knocked on the door as Joseph answered it. "What are you doing here Finn,"Joseph said in a rude tone. "Joseph Fatu that's enough they are together start treating him like he is your brother," Josh screamed as he came to the door and took Fetu. "Thanks again Uce," I said as Josh nodded. "Hey sis do you want me to watch him overnight to for your birthday," Josh asked as I nodded.

        We left as we drove to the arena so I could get assessed by the medical personnel. "Adrianna Balor," the head of medical called as I walked with them. Finn was right beside me the whole time while they examined me. "Okay Adrianna you are all good to go for tonight," the medical team said as I waited for Finn.  He was fine to which made us both happy. "Okay babe see you in that match later tonight," I said before kissing his cheek and heading to the  Shield's locker room.

        Once I got to the locker room I looked around for the boys,"Colby,Joe, Jon where are you." "Happy 22nd Birthday Adrianna," they jumped out and scared the shit out of me. "Thanks guys," I said as they laughed.  "Now can you stop growing up cuz," Joe said as he gave me a hug while the other guys nodded in agreement. "Well I feel older than I am considering my son just said his first word," I said as the guys smiled.  I went to the bathroom to change first as I wore the usual Shield clothes. The rest of them changed quickly as we headed to the gorilla. 

"Oh my god there is the biggest slut in the world. Finn did you know she slept with Jon before she started dating you? Oh wait and she might've slept with me in high school to," Dominik said as hime and Damian started laughing. "Woah for one Dominik you think I'm a slut for sleeping with different guys in different periods in my life. Well at least I don't change them like I change my underwear. and for most of all I have settled down with the guy I love and that is all that matters," I said before smashing his head off the wall. "Adrianna babe breathe finish what you started in the structure," Finn said as he pulled me off of him. 

        "You two just pissed off the wrong girl. When she is mad  she is more crazier than me. You two will be lucky to walk out of the cell without needing a stretcher," Jon said as I laughed. Finn looked at me a little scared so I went over and whispered," Babe I won't hurt you. Just them two." Finn nodded as they entered to the crowd first.  Once we started entering I noticed the crowd cheering louder than they ever have before. Once we got inside the structure I looked Dominik and Rhea in the eyes before turning around and to face Colby. 

        The bell ringed as Rhea came straight after me and so didn't Dominik. They had me pinned into a corner as they were kicking and hitting me with kendo sticks. Dean came over as he started beating the hell out of Dominik. I sneakingly rolled out of the ring only to be hit in the back of the head with a fire extinguisher. I laid there trying to recover as Finn jumped down to make sure I was fine. I tapped his foot to tell him I was fine and he needed to go back to do his spot with Colby.

        Our match lasted a good 45 minutes until I smashed Rhea with my finisher with her and a chair. The crowd cheered as we won our match. I got up as Seth asked,"Adrianna are you okay? Your fucking head is bleeding." I hadn't realized it until Colby pointed it out. I put the towel on it that Finn handed to me. Once we got backstage Sean (apart of medical personnel) put 16 stitches in my head. "Thanks man," I said as he nodded. Now it was time to head to where the after party is.

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