Chapter 33

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        I woke up to the sound of the twins crying. I hadn't realized the time but once I got to the kitchen the clock said 4:30 in the morning.  I walked around the kitchen with both babies until they calmed down.  I breathed and sat them both  down in the playpen until I got the bottles ready. "Oh my god you scared me babe," I said realizing Finn was behind me. "Sorry thought you might need some help," he replied. Thanks to him a big weight was lifted off my shoulders.

        I swaddled Luni up in her blanket and laid her back in the crib as Finn did the same with Liam. All of the sudden Fetu started to whimper as I walked across the hall to his room. "Mummy I scared," Fetu cried holding onto my shirt with dear life. "Shh buddy everything is alright. Now here is your teddy now go back to sleep," I soothed him until his eyes closed again.

        Finn turned on the T.V as we sat there hoping no one would remind us of my dad's funeral today. Finn noticed something was off  with me so he decided to play with my hair hoping it would soothe me to sleep. "Babe I don't wanna go today," I said trying to talk him out of making me go to my dad's funeral.. "Sweetheart you need to go your brothers are going to need you especially Josh," Finn said changing my mind once again.

        We sat there for a couple more hours cuddling until we had to get Fetu,Liam and Luni up and  get them ready for the day. Finn went into Fetu's room and noticed he was clinging onto one of my sweaters from when I was pregnant with him. "Hey buddy you okay," Finn asked. "Daddy I'm scared. Mummy seems sad and I don't like it," Fetu replied. "Hey buddy don't worry Mummy's just nervous okay," Finn reassured our son. 

        He walked out with Fetu as I had already dressed Luni in her black glitter dress and Liam in his miniature tuxedo. Finn dressed Fetu in his tuxedo after he ate breakfast of course. Then I went to get dressed in my black dress and heels. Finn dressed in the same tuxedo as he did for our wedding. "Damn baby you look good," we both said at the exact same time.  I carefully sat down with Luni and Liam while Finn did the same with Fetu. I snapped a photo of us just like my brother had asked me to. 

    Me- Hey Josh here is the photo you asked for.

Josh- Wow sis  you all look great.

Me- Thanks see you at mom's.

(end of text messages)

        After texting Josh I handed the twins over to Finn so I could get up off the floor. "Babe we gotta get going to mom's so we can help her out," Finn said causing me to sigh and pur Liam in his carseat. Before walking out of the apartment I made sure to grab a few blankets for the kids.  Once we got everyone situated in the car I started to mutter my speech under my breath.

        At my mother's house we talked about who was going to do what at my father's funeral and I was left with song choice and speech like I had guessed.  "Hey would like me to be up there with you sis so Finn can be with the kids," Josh interrupted. Finn intervened and said,"Yeah Josh that would be best for her she is definitely going to need you up there." Fetu walked over to me and sat beside me while holding onto my arm with dear life. My mother seemed to notice his actions so she said,"Fetu  your mom is scared to don't worry everything will be alright."

        We sat there in silence for a few minutes as everyone decided we had to head to the funeral home.  Josh hugged me tight before leaving and he made sure I was alright.  The dark gloomy funeral home brought back all the memories of my uncles funeral 14 years ago. Mom helped Finn with the kids as me Josh, Jonathan and Joseph were left to set up the service. 

        Not to long after guest started to flow in through the door as I felt very uncomfortable with all the hugs I was getting. Finn came to stand by my side while my mom and Afa held the twins and Fetu. "You've got this baby. Remember you just got to be strong," Finn said rubbing my back to help calm me down. Joe came over to me and gave me a hug as well. 

        Once we got everyone settled in their seats the pastor was ready to start. "We are joined here today for the sad passing of Solofa Fatu. He was a father and nonetheless a great husband," the pastor said while I held Luni close to me.  Shortly the pastor invited me up to say a few words about my father.  "My dad was a great man. He was always there for me and my brothers even when he couldn't physically.  He always made sure we were well fed and clothed. God there is to much good things to say about him but sadly not enough time. Dad the whole family will miss you," I said quickly going back to my seat only to have Fetu crawl onto my lap.

        "My father Solofa Fatu was a great man and god am I ever going to miss him," Joseph said before returning back to his seat. Once everyone had said at least one thing they started to play Daddy's Hands by Holly Dunn. I couldn't take the pain no more so I bolted out of there while Finn and my brothers had the kids at the dinner party. 

        (Finn Pov)

 "Adrianna where are you," I called out turning the church upside down. Her brothers did the same as she was nowhere to be found. "Maybe she is outside," Josh suggested. I nodded hoping Fetu wouldn't notice her disappearance but that was far from the truth. "Daddy where is Mummy," he wailed with a million tears at once. "Buddy I don't know but I will find her okay," I said calming him down even though I had Liam and Luni in both of my arms.

        "Finn you go check outside while we take care of your kids," Josh said. Before I passed him the twins I kissed them both on their forehead and prayed they wouldn't need to be fed while I was gone. I couldn't believe she took off like this for the second time that we have been together. Once I was outside i began searching through the park.

I noticed something limp from the distance sitting up against the tree so I quickly bolted towards it. "Adrianna there you are I've been looking for you," I said trying to hide the panic in my voice. "Finn I'm sorry I just couldn't take it anymore. I should've talked to somebody before running off," she said hugging me with all her strength. I smiled and helped her back up to her feet and took her back only for Fetu to tackle her with a hug.

(Adrianna Pov)

"Mummy," Fetu cried grabbing on to the bottom of my dress. "Hey buddy Mummy just needed some alone time but she is alright now," Finn reassured him. I picked Fetu up and spinned him around in a circle. "Sis if you ever pull a stunt like that again I am tying you to a chair," Jonathan joked. I playfully slapped his arm before taking Liam out of Josh's hands.

       Everybody came over and said their condolences before they left. Finn, Joseph, Josh and Jonathan straightened everything up before we all headed to mom's for the night. As we walked inside the house I asked,"Hey mom can I still use the nursery for the twins?" She nodded with a huge smile on her face while she helped me put Fetu to bed in a room dad had just built for him.  The twins laid their soft heads down on the cotton bed and fell fast asleep.

        I stayed up just a little bit longer while Finn made the bed. "All done," he called out as I was staring at a family portrait in the hallway that reminded me a lot about my father. God I miss that man, I whispered to myself before entering the room with Finn.  Once I laid down in bed beside Finn a few tears strolled down my face. Finn cuddled me close to his chest and played with my hair as I fell fast asleep in his arms feeling safe and sound.

His Demons are My Demons (Finn Balor)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora