Chapter 5

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          I ran as quickly as I could to the locker room and locked the door while I heard them brawling outside. I heard some referees coming and they told Joe, Jonathan and Joseph to break it up. They refused as I unlocked the door and stood out there hoping to distract them which worked. "Roman come hit me I dare you to because I know you won't do it," I said as my heart was beating through the roof. Roman raised his fist as I slightly backed away. Finn stepped in front of me as Roman was backed off by officials. "You know what Roman. I ain't afraid of you. You know what those championships are only around your waist because of your dad, " I said knowing it would make him more angry. 

        Roman grinded his teeth together as he backed up and hit his superman punch after that everything was black. 

                  ( Finn's POV)

     I could not believe on what he just did she was laying there knocked out and the only thing he  could do was sit there and laugh. God I hated that man her brothers didn't even give two shits about her as they all just walked away while medical personnel came to her side.  My face was as white as a ghost as they loaded her in the back of the ambulance. "Dude is she okay," Damien asked as I hopped in her rental to go to the hospital with her. 

  It was a few hours before I heard anything from the doctor but he had told me she suffered a minor concussion and she shall be fine. Her phone was laying in her arms and it had a picture of her and her brothers when they were kids. Just seeing that picture made me more angrier at Joe it was all his fault for why this happened and he blames her for it all.

      She woke up a few hours later crying and hugging her phone. I felt bad so I climbed up beside her. She gave me a hug and she said, "Babe I'm fine I need to fight Joe tomorrow night and I don't care but let me deal with this on my own". I nodded my head  knowing to respect her wishes.
       (Adrianna's POV)

      We got back to the hotel around 11:00 pm and I knew my life was going to be hell tomorrow inside that ring with Joe. It bugs me to see people mad but Joe is on a whole different level he highly despises me. I turned my phone only to remember the good times I had with my brothers as kids and that was all gone now. 

    Once we got to our room Rhea, Dominik and Damien showered me with hugs. "Guys I'm fine seriously," I said escaping their bear hugs. "I know you had a hard day but what is all taking place tomorrow," Damien asked. "Well you see I have my match with Joe. You and Finn have a match with Josh and Jonathan for a tag team championship opportunity at wrestlemania. For Dominik he has to deal with Joseph in a match as for Rhea there is nothing for her," I said as I knew the odds were stacked against us all. 

Colby- Hey are you okay what happen to laying low?

Me- I am fine just wanted to do some spying lol. 

Colby- You gave me a heart attack anyways have a good night.

  Me- You to see you at Raw.

          (End of text messages)

         "Oh my god," I screamed as I realized it was just a dream. "What's wrong," Finn asked as I rolled over and went back to sleep pretending I was never awake. I knew tomorrow was coming but did it have to come so soon. Once Finn went back to sleep I put my head on his chest and fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

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