Chapter 22

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 I knocked on the locker room door so Finn would let me in. "Babe can we talk about something," I said as he sat Fetu in his tiny swing and put his arms around my waist. "Sure babe what's up," he said as I told him to sit down. "Finn The Bloodline is over with and they will be returning you back to Judgement Day. And once I win the United States championship The Shield will make a return and fued with you guys," I said while Fetu fell asleep in his swing. "Wait how is the Shield going to," Finn almost finished asking as Jon walked into the room. "I'm back. This lunatic is back and ready for Summerslam," he said kind of loudly so I glared at him.

        Finn was shocked as Jon gave him a hug and whispered,"You better take care of her or we will have some problems." "Jonathan  David Good you don't have to be so protective you know," I said as he laughed and asked if he could hold Fetu. I nodded as Finn carefully placed him in Jon's arms. "God Nora is almost two and I never thought I would hold another baby," Jon said as he started to tear up. "Don't cry big boy," Joe said as he came over to me and hugged me.

        "Well we better get on the road everyone we need to be in Knoxville by Friday," Colby said as he and Rebecca grabbed Roux and was ready to ride with the rest of us. "Well we might as well all take Joe's big bus," Josh said as we all nodded. Once we got all the little ones strapped in and ready to go we tossed our luggage in. "Hey sis who do you like more as a wwe character Edge or Finn," Jonathan asked. "Uce I think you are stupid I love Finn's character inside the ring," I said as Rebecca laughed. 

        Rebecca and Finn had been friends since they were little and Finn always treated her like a little sister. "Adrianna, Finn do you think Fetu will love being around us," Rebecca (Becky Lynch) said with a little bit of worriness. "Rebecca Lopez don't worry he will love you. Just don't hurt his mom and you to shall be fine," Finn said while rubbing my back. I nodded as I hugged Rebecca knowing what kind of stress she was under.

        We drove until the halfway point and that was in Hargis, New Mexico. Joe seen that we were all extremely tired so he pulled in and we fell asleep in the vehicle instead of inside a hotel. That was until Fetu started to cry. I jumped up and cuddled him while feeding him his bottle. I felt bad for him as the back of the bus was quite crowded. Once Fetu was changed and ready for bed I laid him back down and squished myself between Finn and Jon. They both snored pretty loud causing me to no get much sleep.

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