Chapter 1

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     I was walking down the hallway to the bloodline's locker room as Finn Balor called out to me. "Adrianna come here I wanna show you something," he said as I shut my phone off. As I got closer I noticed Jonathan and Josh standing there talking to Paul. "Yeah what's up," I asked as I fell flat on my face.  I could not believe what he had just done to me, but once I got up I turned around and punched him hard in the face. "Never play a stupid trick on me like that again," I yelled as Josh noticed my bloody lip. "What did you do to her," he yelled as he got a cold cloth for my lip.

 When I got back to the locker room Jonathan looked at me with rage in his eyes ,"Woah Uce calm down". Jonathan glared at Josh until I said," look I just fell I am not going to die". I sat there with a tear dribbling down while Paul  talked to us.  " Adrianna why don't you come to my office for a minute. Josh she will be fine. I just wanna talk to her," Paul said as he opened the locker room door. 

 As we approached the office I seen Finn sitting in there with Stephanie. "I am not going in there with him there," I said. Paul glared at me and drug me in there anyways. "Adrianna I know you don't want to see him but he is to apologize to your face in front of us," she said as I took a seat. "Adrianna what I did to you was wrong. I am sorry about what happened it was Dominik's idea to hurt you so we could get a title opportunity. Trust me you don't know how sorry I am," he said with his thick irish accent. I nodded and shook his hand before I turned to the door. "Woah not so fast we need to talk business," Paul said as I rolled my eyes and sat back down. "Okay we have a new storyline pitch were you and Finn date to help Sami Zayn break up the bloodline even more," Paul said.  My fist started to clench as I knew I could not hurt my brothers that way they were the only people who cared about me. "I understand this will get higher viewership but I am not doing that I can't. I don't need to hurt my family and you know that is one rule I live by. Sorry I can't," I said angrily. 

 "Adrianna we need to have them on the Wrestlemania card so I thought The Judgement Day go their title opportunity while you face Joseph (Solo Sikoa) to end the rivalry," Paul said looking desperate. I rolled my eyes and nodded my head knowing this will make my life a living hell. We shook hands as Finn reached for my hand. I took it knowing my brothers were talking with Joe in the locker room.  "Thanks man," I said as I entered the room. 

"Oh hey sis who were you just with," Jonathan said trying to stop Josh from arguing about it  with him.  " I was with Paul talking about a new storyline and script," I said while flipping through the pages. "Anyways got to get ready for Raw," I said while grabbing my gym back and running to the bathroom.

Finn- Hey Adrianna are you okay with what is going to happen out their tonight.

Me- Yeah it will be better for me.

Finn- Are you sure? We have to go out during Sikoa's match here in 5 minutes.

Me- Yeah I am sure. See you out there. xoxo

(End text messages)

I walked out of the bathroom with a confident smile knowing whatever comes next could benefit me more for better or worse. I made sure to grab a housecoat so my brothers did not see how bad my outfit was. "Hey sis are coming with us tonight," Joseph asked while getting him self pumped for his match. I shook my head no, even though I would be out there just not for him.

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