Chapter 34

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          I woke up to the sound of the twins crying from the nursery across the hall from us. I slid out of bed as fast as I could. Walking into the old nursery that used to belong to me reminded me of all the late nights dad would come home and sit in there with me until I fell asleep. Liam and Luni crying snapped me out of my flashback as I gently placed them both in my arms and headed downstairs with them. 

        As soon as I stepped off the last step I noticed there was nobody awake yet which meant I would have to be extremely quiet with the twins. I sat Liam down in his little swing while I fed Luni. Just as I went to turn around I noticed Liam wasn't in his swing.  I started to panic searching the entire living room until I heard Finn say,"Adrianna breathe I have him." Once I heard him say that a sheet of relief came over me as I went out into the kitchen. "Oh my god you scared the hell out of me," I said kissing Finn on the cheek before seeing Josh on the stairs with Fetu. 

        "Mummy," Fetu said reaching out for me while Josh kept coming down the stairs with him. "Hey baby boy how did you sleep," I asked Fetu as Josh took Luni for me. I smiled over at Finn who looked a little bit protective of someone else holding his baby girl.  I pulled a chair out for Fetu and helped him up into it before asking him what he wanted for breakfast. "Mummy can I have cereal please," Fetu asked as I quickly nodded trying to balance a bowl, milk, my cell phone and cereal in my arms.  Finn came over and helped me while Liam laid on the floor on the blanket.

        Once I put his bowl on the table my phone started to ring so Finn took over for me while I stepped outside to answer the phone. "Hello," I said hesitantly. "Hi Adrianna are you and Finn able to come to tonight's show," Paul asked. "Yeah we can come but what is going on," I responded. "Well The Shield is going to start a feud with the L.W.O and The Judgement Day," He explained before hanging up on me. I was jumping off the walls excited to face the newly formed L.W.O and tonight I would get to cut my first promo against them,.

        "Hey Adrianna maybe if we can get someone to babysit we could go out  for awhile together," Finn asked while he remembered what happened the last time we went out. I smiled at him before turning to Josh. "Sure thing sis," he said before I even asked him. "Thank You! You're the best big brother," I said quickly running up the stairs to put on a nice outfit. Once I finished changing I noticed Joseph sitting in his room crying. "Hey Bro are you okay," I asked before fully going inside. "Sis Almia left me after dad's funeral with both my sons now I don't even know where they are," he said letting the tears fully fall down his face. "Joseph calm down. I might be the youngest by I know she will come back and if you she doesn't I will help you find the kids," I said helping him clear his tears.

        "Oh yeah sis have fun with Finn," he replied before I exited the room. Running back downstairs I grabbed my necklace that had my father's ashes in it and put it around my neck. "Okay I'm ready," I said taking the last few steps down the stairs. "Wow you look great," Finn said causing me to blush. I smiled taking his hand and kissing each of the kids goodbye before walking out the door. We got into the car and drove to a local park. That is when my muscles were starting to tense remembering what happened the first time we went to a park.

        Finn grabbed my waist holding me close to him as we walked down a small path that led to a beautiful opening by the water. "Oh my god. This is so beautiful," I said staring at the nice picnic area that had all our food on it for supper.  "I knew you would like it. Plus I forgot to say your looking awful nice tonight baby," Finn said before kissing me on the lips. I kissed him back until we had to come apart for air. He smiled at me and threw me over his shoulder until I slid myself out of his arms. "Hey that's not very nice," he said before he realized that a couple of hours had already passed.

        We rushed to the arena so we could both get changed for our promos later on tonight. "Did you have fun," Josh asked bringing the kids into our locker room. I nodded taking Liam and swaddling him up in my arms. Fetu hugged my legs until Finn picked him up hugging him tightly. I smiled putting the twins down in the playpen as I headed to find Joe, Colby and Jon for our promo which was up next. 

        We walked down to the ring as the cheering fans were so glad to see me back. I smiled forgetting how much I missed seeing all of our fans. Seth and Dean helped me into the ring while Roman grabbed us all microphones. "L.W.O we got some problems with coming up here thinking you own it," Seth said into the mic making the fans cheer us even more. "Yeah well either they get their asses out here or we will come after you back there," Dean said as the Judgement Day's music started playing. "Well if it ain't you three again trying too hard to become at the top again. Well to bad you are missing these," Rhea said getting all the guys but Finn to hold up the titles they had won. "Oh wow we didn't ask for you dumbasses to come out here so why don't you move to the side and let the little bitches and they know who they are come out here and prove just how much better they are than us," I said dropping the microphone on the mat while we waited patiently for them to come out.

        "Tsk. Tsk when will you guys learn never to leave children alone with their uncles," Santos Escobar said with Rey, Savio Vega, Zelina Vega and Carlito by his side. Finn and I both knew this wasn't part of the script so in panic we both ran back to the locker room. "What the hell are you doing here. Stay the hell away from my children," I said watching Finn kick each and everyone of them out of my locker room. Since the cameras were off I ran on a real name basis while holding Luni close to my chest. "Josh where are you," I screamed in panic searching the room up and down for him. Finn grabbed me just the and opened the bathroom door to reveal a highly pissed off Josh panicking because he couldn't get out. "Sis I'm so sorry about this," Josh apologized quickly. "Bro it's not your fault they came in here and did this to you," I said soothing him and my three kids.

        Once everyone was calmed down we all headed back to mom's for the night. After the twins settled down we had finally got Fetu to lay down in his little cot that my dad fixed for him before he died. Finn and I went and watched a horror movie with Josh, Jonathan and Joseph before going up to bed ourselves. I laid there before placing a kiss carefully on the side of Finn's lips before falling fast asleep in his arms.

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