Chapter 25

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        It has been a couple of days since my fight with Finn and I knew I needed to make it up to him so I knocked on the Judgement Day locker room door. "Go away you bitch and stupid slut," Dominik said as Finn was behind him. "Now Dom is that anyway to treat my wife ," Finn said as I glared. "Can we talk," I said impatiently as he nodded and stepped out from behind Dominik.  I leaned up and kissed him as he latched on back.  "I'm sorry. Me and Fetu missed you," I said as Finn smiled. "I guess I should give this back to you then," he said as he handed me my wedding ring.

        I smiled before walking away to go out  to the ring to cut my promo with the Shield. "Hey what happened between you and Finn," Jon asked as I smiled. "Nothing it's all better now," I said smiling while grabbing my ring. Joe smiled at me as he said, "You did the right thing."  I looked  around before heading out to the ring with the boys while Josh watched Fetu. 

        "Rumor has it that The Judgement Day think they are better than us," Seth said as we were in the ring.  "If they're better than us then why don't they come out here and prove. Because  the last time I checked all four of you all went and got an ass beating," Dean said as the rest of us laughed. 

        It took a few minutes but the Judgement Day music did play as Finn was the first one to say,"Wow you guys think we are scared of you four well then what are you all high. Because the last time I check Roman I beat your ass to become the first Universal Champion. And Seth, Dean and Adrianna we could most definitely beat your guys asses to."

        "Oh wow you think you can beat us then fine come down here right now and you will get the ass whooping you deserve," I said as we dropped the microphones and they started marching to the ring.  We outnumbered them because Rhea was out from an injury from last week's attack on her from me. I helped Dean beat the hell out of Dominik because of what he had said. "You gonna say that ever again and I swear to god the beating you get will be worse than this," I said as we slapped him hard in the face.
        "Woah Woah Woah. Shield  if you want a match at Hell In A Cell then why don't you two battle it out then," Adam Pearce yelled into the microphone. "You know what Adam we will accept," I said as I watched them retreat like little bitches. 

        Once we got backstage I went to see my beautiful son. "Hey sis," Josh said as I walked in and saw a smiling Fetu. "I missed you buddy so much," I said as I cuddled him close to my chest. "Hey can we talk before you go," Josh asked as I nodded. "Did you take him back," he asked as I nodded. "Yeah bro. Joe told me to follow what my heart feels and that is what I did," I said as Jonathan tackled me with a hug from behind. "Jeez Uce be careful," I said as Fetu and Jonathan laughed. 

        "Was that funny buddy," Joseph said as he hugged me. "Sis I'm not letting you compete in that Hell In A Cell match," Josh said protectively. "Josh it's not like I could die. You and Jonathan competed in one after I told you not to but you didn't listen. I'm 21 almost 22 at the Hell In A Cell pay per view so I'm doing the match whether you like it or not," I said as I left the locker room. 

        "Adrianna can you please come here for a minute," Paul said as I approached him. "Yeah what do you need," I said while pushing Fetu in his stroller. "Adrianna would you like to be apart of the Hell In A Cell match? Jonathan told me you were worried. You don't have to wrestle it if you don't want to," Paul wondered as we continued walking to catering. "Yeah I wanna wrestle the match but my brothers don't want me to," I said as he realized that was their concern and not mine. He laughed as Finn came over and took Fetu out of my hands. "How is daddy's little boy," Finn said as I laughed.

        "Wanna head back to the hotel I've been really tired as of late," I asked as Finn nodded. "Are you sure you can handle riding with the rest of Judgement Day just for the fifteen minute drive," he asked as I sighed. "Ughh she is riding with us," Dominik said in a snotty tone. "Dominik how about that is enough. Leave her and Finn alone. God they are both happy with each other. If you don't drop it then you can walk back to the hotel," Damian said as he helped me put Fetu in the car.

        I sat in the back with Finn as Damian and Dom sat up front. Finn reached for my hand and I let him have it. "So you two are back together," Damian asked as I nodded.  "Finn don't you realize she doesn't want you," Dominik said as everything went silence in the car. "I'll walk the rest of the way to the hotel. Fuck this," I said as I grabbed Fetu and started to walk. "Hey babe I'll come with you," Finn said as he hopped out after that he slapped Dominik in the face.  Before leaving he said,"Dom I have to work with you at Hell In A Cell and that will be the last time. I want nothing to do with the both of you guys." 

        It was around fifteen minutes before we reached the hotel. "Hi reservation for Adrianna Balor," I said as the lady smiled. "Room 429 third floor," she said as we walked away with all my stuff.  Finn was the first one to speak, "Adrianna I...Loved...You. Even before I was on the main roster. I feel like such and idiot for what I did." I smiled as we got to the hotel room.

        "Finn would you mind setting up Fetu's high chair for me," I asked as he nodded. I sat Fetu up in his chair as I fed him his favorite carrot puree.  after that I put him in the bathtub as he splashed me with water. I wrapped a towel around him and got him dressed for bed.  Me and Finn sat down on the couch with him as he fell fast asleep in minutes. "I guess our little buddy was tired," Finn said as he went and laid him down in his playpen.  I pushed Finn down on the bed playfully as he sat up and kissed me. I think you can tell how we made up.

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