Chapter 13

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        We spent a couple of hours with dad before getting on the road to head to Pensacola. "Hey sis can we ride with you until we get to the airport," Josh asked as Jonathan helped me put everything in the trunk. "Thanks guys for helping her and yes you are more then welcome to ride with us," Finn said as he opened the car door so I could get in. 

        While we were driving back to Los Angeles to go to the airport Josh asked if we all wanted to play Truths. We all nodded as Jonathan started, "Finn is it true you love Adrianna more than the whole world?" Finn nodded as I playfully reached for his hand. "Josh is it true that you would give your sister the whole world if she wanted it when she was a kid," Finn asked as Josh nodded. I turned slightly in my seat and slapped Josh's leg. "Adrianna is it true you and Finn both suffer from depression," Josh said as I froze. I had never asked Finn what he meant by his demons. Finn broke the silence as he said, "I don't know about Adrianna but I do suffer with depression and she has helped me learn to cope with it."  "Wow Finn I felt so alone and yeah I do to. I suffer from depression severely and you help me cope as well," I said as I answered the question.

        The ride was quite for a few minutes as my phone had a couple of buzzes.

    Colby- Hey haven't talked to you since a month before Wrestlemania. How are you?

   Me- Colby I'm good. Did you win sorry I didn't stick around had a  family emergency.

   Colby- It's okay and I think you and Finn are great for each other.

   Me- Thanks and there is something I need to tell you!

    Colby- Welcome! What is it?

    Me- Colby I'm pregnant and I was wondering If you and Rebecca would like to be its godparents.

  Colby- Congrats! Me and Rebecca (Becky Lynch) would love to!

   Me- Oops gotta go bye!

    Colby- Bye!

        As Finn pulled into the parking lot we got out of the rental car. I was nervous as we boarded the airplane. We did manage to bump into Jon as he said, "Adrianna good to see you. How have you been?" "Jon I have been great. I am obviously pregnant if you haven't been able to tell," I said while he gave me a hug. "Congrats! have a safe flight," Jon said as I walked towards Finn.  We boarded the plane as I had a seat beside Josh and Finn was with Jonathan just 3 rows away. I looked out the window while started to take off. "Hey sis are you okay," Josh asked.         

        It took me a few minutes to respond but I said, "Yeah I'm perfectly fine. Nothing wrong here." "Sis I know that look. Now what the hell is bothering you," Josh said as a tear strayed down my face. "I'm scared for my baby. What if something goes wrong and Finn leaves," I said while Josh sighed. "Sis I know Finn by now and he for sure as hell wouldn't leave you if something happened he  loves you too much," Josh said as I turned my head to look out the window. I noticed the plane started to land as Finn grabbed mine and his stuff and put it into the rental car. "Hey Finn you might wanna reassure Adrianna. She feels like you are going to leave," Josh whispered to Finn. He nodded as we got into the rental car.

        "Babe can we talk", Finn asked. "Yeah what do you want," I said while looking out the window. "I just wanna say that you are the most beautiful thing ever and I want to know if you will marry me," he said as I looked at him with disbelief. "Yes Finn I will marry you. I love you a lot. I'm just scared that you will leave once the baby is born,"I said with a tear running down my face.  "I would never leave you and the baby. I think the world of you and our unborn child," Finn said as I hugged him before entering the arena. The ring sat nice and shiny on my finger as I sat my stuff down in my own locker room.

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