Chapter 23

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                                         (Skip two weeks)

        Fetu had just turned 6 months old as tonight was my Summerslam match against Theory.  I was pumped considering I knew I could beat his ass without anybody's help. "Hey you guys pumped for the return of The Shield,"  I said as they all nodded.  For tonight's match I decided to wear a shield hoodie, black leggings and a crop top underneath. "Damn babe," Finn said licking his lips as I kissed him on the corner of the lips.  Jon looked at me as Finn signaled for me to go. 

        "Put your hood up nobody else knows your here," I said before me and Jon left the locker room. Once we got to the gorilla Theory's "A town down" music started ringing throughout the arena.  He had a microphone in his hand and he said, "Adrianna now before you come  down to this ring I want to say Fuck you and your family." 

        I was pissed off as they played my music. "Uh oh somebody's pissed off," I heard Josh say before I went to the ring.  With a mic in hand I said, "Theory you just pissed off the wrong person now let's get this match started. Come on ref ring that damn bell."

        The bell rang as we locked up and I was getting the upper hand. He rolled out of the ring as I followed him and bashed his head off the ring post. I rolled myself and him back in so I could win the title but he kicked out at two.  

                        (Skip most of the match)

        We have battled it out for at least 25 minutes before I finally heard the Shields music hit. The crowd was silent as Theory looked everywhere for them. I took advantage hitting him with my finisher. 1....2....3 and the bell ringed. "And your winner of this match and New United States Champion Adrianna Uso," the ring announcer yelled as Dean, Roman and Seth came inside the ring to celebrate with me. 

        Once they were doing celebrating with me they decided to attack Theory and Triple power bomb him through a table. I laughed as Dean handed me a microphone. "Now that will teach you no to fuck with my family and friends," I said as I spat on to his lifeless body.  Seth and Dean helped me over the barricade as Finn came running over to me. "Babe I can't get Fetu to stop crying. Trust me I've tried everything and nothing has worked," he said in a worryingly tone.

        I sighed as I went in the locker room and picked Fetu up and sang to him. Finn watched in amazement as he suddenly went back to sleep. "Wow that was amazing," Finn said while rubbing my face. "Thanks," I said in return. Jon came over and smiled as he looked at my little son. "Adrianna sorry to interrupt but how are you feeling after a big title win," Kayla asked in the interview. "Kayla I'm on cloud ninety nine. Hopefully Theory realized his mistake," I said as I walked away from the scene.

        Joe came back to the locker room after visiting my brothers before their match with Judgement Day. "Oh shit who the hell is going to watch Fetu when we go and interrupt them and help my brothers win," I asked as they all looked at me. "Joseph Yokozuna Fatu get your ass over here," Joe said as Joseph came over to us. "Yeah what's up Uce," he said as he realized what we needed. "Fine I will watch him," he added as I sighed. 

We walked to the stairs as we watched my brothers were getting their asses beat. Our music hit as Damian was in the ring and got rolled up by Jimmy. The bell rang as we decided to launch an attack as I took on Rhea Ripley.  "Wow such and easy and clean sweep," Seth said as we all laughed. "You will pay for this," Finn said holding his head. "Oh wow what you going to do huh bring out that demon because we got our demon all fired up and she ain't afraid to hurt anyone," Dean said as I jumped and got ready for them to come   back towards the ring. They laughed as our music hit and we went backstage. "Finn you okay," I asked as he laughed. "Yeah baby I'm fine. You damn well know how to get a crowd hyped up," he said as I slapped his arm playfully.

        I brought Finn back to the locker room as Fetu started to cry as I knew he was starting to get sick. "Hey little baby mommy's here. You're okay," I said as Joseph passed him to me. "Thank you bro so much," I said while changing Fetu into one of his new sleepers Almia bought him. "Your welcome sis. Love spending time with him. He is just like you with his personality," Joseph said as I put Fetu down and into his carseat.

        Me and Finn decided to head back to the hotel early as I was exhausted. We laid Fetu down inside his playpen as Finn pushed me onto the bed and said, "Now we need to celebrate your title victory." I nodded as his hands ran up the back of my attire. I rushed my hands down to his pants. I think you know what happens next for the next three hours.

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