Bad Day, Turned Better Part 11 Nerraw Part 1

Start from the beginning

Andy nodded. "Okay,"

"Hey," Adam said, turning his head to Andy. "Do you really like me and Julian?"

Andy blushed from hearing that. "Um... Yeah, I-I think so,"

Adam smiled. "You know we both are okay with that. We're totally cool that you're polyamorous,"

Andy smiled. He always felt like he was, so he was glad that two people he liked now were fine with it. "Thanks," He said smiling.

Adam giggled, then came closer to Andy, then planted a small kiss on his cheek.

Andy blushed from the kiss. "I... I think I should head home now,"

"You want me to walk you?"

"Nah, it's fine. I can walk by myself, thank you" Andy said hugging Adam.


Adam walked into his school the next morning, in the main area. He saw Julain and his friends waiting around a part of the wall, for the bell to ring for the class. So, he heads over to them.

The first one to notice him was Julian. "Andy~," Julian's face let up once he saw him, and ran over to him, Andy gasped from it and blushed so much once Julian grabbed him, and pulled him close, kissing his lips. Andy's face went a darker shade of red as he felt Julian's lips to his lips.

"Damn Juley," Marcus snorted.

"I know right, you didn't even let him say hello," Ryan giggled.

Andy kissed Julian back, and then they both broke from the kissing. "You okay?" Julian asked, his expression looking concerned. "You look a little... off?"

"Yeah, that's probably because you sprung out of nowhere and smooched him," Arthur snorted.

All of them giggled at that, while Julian just rolled his eyes.

Andy then noticed that Adam wasn't there with them, at all. And judging by how they were acting, that probably means Adam hadn't told them about the dark thing either. He was probably waiting for Andy to tell them himself, or they both tell at the same time.

"Guys, where is Adam?" Andy asked them.

"Oh? I... haven't seen in since I came in, he wasn't here," Ryan said.

"Yeah. He's probably rubbing a bit late, you'll see him in class later I'm sure," Julian said ruffling Andy's hair.

The bell rang, and they all had to walk to their class. But once Andy entered the classroom, he hadn't seen Adam come in. And on top of that, Matthew also didn't come in. But now, Andy was more worried about Adam. He was looking at the door, for a while to see if Adam would ever walk in, but then the teacher had shut the door. If Adam would come in now, he'd be late. His eyes darted over to Julian, who looked like he was sharing Andy's feelings.

"Where is he?" Andy mouthed the words to him.

He saw Julian shrug.

Andy felt worried. 'He would have told me if he was gonna be absent today,' Andy wanted to take his phone out and dial Adam's number, but the class had started, and he didn't want to get in trouble with the teacher.

So he just had to wait until lunch, or when he was in the middle of walking between classes.

So that's what he did, In between walking to his different classes before lunch, he dialed the number. But Adam never picked up. He even texted a few times, but nothing. He went to Adam's Instagram on the way to lunch, only to see he hadn't even been online since he left him last night.

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