89 (Bonus chapter)

Start from the beginning

Bruno closed his eyes, humming. "I guess we both have different things we worry about."

Fletcher closed the app and stood up. "You're bothering me so I'll take my fun time somewhere else."

"I bother a lot of people Detective, it's alright if you need a minute to catch your breath."

Fletcher didn't argue knocking once, the door opened immediately.

"I see you changed the pattern." Bruno looked amused even with his eyes closed.

"I knew you'd take note of it and I also know I risk my life everyday staying in this room with you. If you ever get out of those constraints and kill me, you will never make it out of this room."

"If I ever had the chance to kill you, it wouldn't be in this room or with my bare hands." Bruno fixed his angry cold eyes on her. "I'd take my time cutting you open, put honey on the wound and place ants on your skin. I wouldn't need to do much before you beg me to kill you."

Fletcher didn't hide her shiver. "See you later Bruno."

"Yes Fletcher, I will be seeing you." Bruno closed his eyes as the door closed behind her.

Fletcher fought the cold that had enveloped her, getting threatened was part of the job and this wasn't the first time someone she caught threatened her life.

In some way Bruno was different and Fletcher couldn't wait to hurl him down to his cell and be done with him, he was her last case. She'd spent her entire career and life chasing bad guys and for the most part catching them but she needed a normal schedule and a normal life.

Bruno's threat hung over her head as she left the hospital, walking down the block and around the corner to where she knew a nice cafe stood. No matter the time of day they served hot coffee and freshly baked donuts.

"I didn't peg you for a doughnut woman."

Fletcher stumbled and caught herself before she fell at Renee's feet. "I didn't peg you for a stalker."

"I'm the one standing by the wall." Renee raised her shoulders. "If anything I can say you're stalking me."

"I don't have the time or strength to play good guy bad guy." Fletcher walked by her, Renee fell in step. "Am I walking your way or do you actually want something from me?"

"Not you no." Renee wagged her fingers. "I need something from your prisoner."

"Bruno?" Fletcher frowned. "I'm sorry but you lost me."

"I need to talk to him for a few minutes."

Fletcher scoffed. "Hate to say it but no way in hell am I letting you into a room with a man I spent my valuable time chasing."

"It's a tiny favor, it'll be nice if you did it for me."

"I'll still say a no." Fletcher pushed the door open and walked in.

"Not much of a gentle woman." Renee commented behind her.

"I'm the one men open doors for, I don't play for your team." Fletcher replied over her shoulder.

"Thank God, we really don't need a brute on our small side of the house."

"Brute? Really?" Fletcher raised a brow, standing in line to make her order. "Whatever you want from me, the answer will be no so go away Heather."

Heather sighed and stepped in front of her, Fletcher hated that she had to look up. "I'll make this simple and clear, I came to you because you're the officer on ground but I can go higher up to get what I want and I doubt you'd like to take orders when you can just help me right now."

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